Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It's the Final Count Down

4 WEEKS!!! That is nothing. When you find out your pregnant you're already 4 weeks along, and yet I feel like it's so far away. Like it'll never come. I'm mixed with many emotions; Excited to meet him and see what he looks like, Anxious to sleep comfortable again, Nervous I won't know how to be a good mom of 2 children, Stressed I won't get things done around the house in time...and the list goes on.
But all in all, soon we will be blessed with a beautiful, healthy baby boy who came straight from Heavenly Father's presence. And that tops any emotion I have.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

you got me all choaked up dang it!!! I am so excited for you and man, that went fast! You got me all crying looking at rykers 5 months pictures. Jacie is almost 5 months and I NEVER want to forget how this feels:( why do we have to forget? so excited for you. wonder if we'll see you before he's here???