Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ryker is 3!

Our little boy isn't so little anymore. This last week Ryker turned 3 years old. It boggles my mind how fast the past 3 years have gone. I swear just the other day Ryker was so helpless as a newborn, and now he's jumping around on the couch and using the bathroom all by himself.

Sunday (Feb 6th), my family and Jesse's family all got together at my parents house to celebrate Ryker's birthday. He was so excited to have just about everyone there that he loves. It was almost like he was on a high.

Of course he was super blessed with lots of gifts. Being the only grand kid and nephew on both sides of the families, there is no shortage of love and gifts for him. Jesse and I gave him a bike this year. Ryker was so excited when he saw it. We brought it out at the very end and he just was so giddy when he saw it. He calls it his 'bike ride'...not just a bike, but his 'bike ride'.

The first of the week we took Ryker to the Bakery to pick out his cake. His cake of choice was Woody and Buzz Lightyear. (As a side note, he was so sad after he picked it out that he had to wait till the weekend to take it home.)

When he was blowing out the candles, he was too far away that nothing was happening. His cheeks were getting bigger and bigger as he kept trying harder and harder. After a few blows he finally got that he needed to be closer and he was able to get the 3 candles out. It made me chuckle.

Everyone was there to support Ryker.

Tuesday (Feb 8th), Ryker's actual birthday, he had his 3 year check up that morning. I was so proud of him because he was REALLY good. He was so happy with the nurse and the doctor. The doctor says that he is doing remarkably well for his age. Dr Reese mentioned that if other people think Ryker is a 4 year old, it's because he is the size of one. He's been a big boy since day one. He also asked Ryker if he was a little boy or a little girl...Thankfully Ryker said he was a boy. haha.

Here are some stats...

Weight: 34.8lbs (78th percentile)
Height: 39 inches (85th percentile)
Last year when I made this appointment for him I was told that he wouldn't have to get another shot until Kindergarten. But since they upgraded one of them they said he need to have it. I felt terrible that he would have to get a shot on his birthday. But it was out of my hands.
When the nurse came in, Ryker asked her "What's that?", so she just said it's a bandaid. I had to hold him on my lap while the nurse poked him in the leg. Thank goodness it was only one. He was so sad afterwards. But he did cheer up when he got a sucker for being so brave.

When we left the doctors office I took Ryker to Barnes and Noble to pick out a new book with the gift card he got for his birthday. He loves reading books, so this was fun for him to pick out a new one. He actually was able to get 2 new ones. (And Jesse and I welcome new books so we can change up the stories he wants to read at night).
Later that afternoon, I met up with my mother in law, Heidi, at The Living Planet Aquarium. This was my first time going, but Ryker's 4th or 5th. So he pretty much showed me around the place and pointed out all the cool fish.

This was probably my favorite. There was this big tank with sharks and a sea turtle. Ryker thought the sea turtle was cute...and so did I.

Out of all of the cool things we saw, Ryker kept going back to this crab with one big claw. It had a magnifying glass hooked to the tank, and he just loved looking through it at the crab. He spent like 10 minutes there just staring at it each time.

Once Jesse was done with work, we ate pancakes for dinner (Ryker's pick and complements of Heidi). Then the 3 of us went to the dollar theater and saw MegaMind. It was alot better than we thought it would be. Ryker loved it which is all that matters anyway.
On the way home Ryker fell asleep in his car seat, which he never does. But I think the combination of no nap and a fun filled busy birthday he was just plain pooped.
We had such a fun day together. I enjoyed being with my little man all day. It still blows my mind how fast he is growing up. Oh I just love it....and I just love him.


Kari said...

Happy birthday, Ryker! Sweet bike!

Anonymous said...

I love his cute little hands holding the magnifying glass. Sounds like such a fun day!

Kels said...

So cute! He really is a big boy, which is good. I aparantly have one of each. Gaige went to the Dr. on monday and he is really petite. (only in the 15th percentile for his weight) Can't believe it's been 3 years already!