Thursday, December 26, 2019

Welp, I blinked.


I committed at the beginning of this year that I wouldn't allow myself to fall behind on the blog again. I didn't love trying to catch up the whole year all the last week of December in 2018 and here I am going to have to do it again.

The last time I was on here, I talked about SLC Recruit Academy just barely starting. I mentioned that it seems like it could be challenging for us. Welp, it was. And I cannot wrap my mind around the fact that 10 1/2 months has gone by. Where the heck did it go?

I'll say this... Every single day of my life  i pretty much have things so tightly scheduled. From the time I wake up at 5 am to go to the gym, get boys off to school, walk the dog (oh ya, that's new, we got a dog), go to work, or work on the house cleaning, or go to Young Womens, take boys to soccer and football practices, plan and execute FHE, YW Lessons or scripture study, even  getting a shower in for the day feels like a chore.  So it's not like I have been idol in my days. And even when I do get a free moment, I feel extremely exhausted that there is nothing in me besides watch a mindless show or pass out on the couch.

So here I am on Winter Break with my boys. We just survived a crazy busy Christmas Day yesterday and I am commited to get this year updated over the next few days.

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