Thursday, December 26, 2019


March 2

For Cy's Birthday Date night he wanted to go with Mom and Dad. We went to Blaze Pizza and saw a movie. Which I'm pretty sure he wanted to go see the same movie that Ryker saw for his birthday the month before. Jesse hadn't seen it, so we went. I remember falling asleep during the movie. Dang it. That was an expensive nap. lol.
March 3
WOW! 8 YEARS OLD! Oh this sweet boy! It's weird having your second child getting older because they always seem young in comparison to the oldest. So it kinda snuck up on me because over night he sees so big to me.

How could I describe Cy? Sweet and Sour maybe? lol
He genuinely has the most tender loving soul with the flip side of mischief and trouble in there. I've seen him write "I love you" on the family whiteboard to each of us. And also pester Ryker until he's in tears all the while Cyrus has a little smirky grin on his face.
Sweet and Sour!
We love him in our family.
Cyrus we love your sweet smile and YOU!!!

 March 7

Another example of Fynnie's Cuteness

 March 9- Get Air Birthday Party

To celebrate Cy turning 8, we gathered a few of his friends and took them to GET AIR!
(Back row: Sterling Smith, Lexi Stepen, Ryker, Treven Wesche,  James B, Sadie Noall
Front row: Sam Reynolds, Fynnie, CYRUS, Trey Heath, Kamden Wersland)
After the kids jumped around for awhile, I fed them some spaghetti. Cy's favorite!

Then we sang to Cy!
 March 10
My family had a birthday party for Cy and he got a Hoverbaord as well. I remember Cy being so ecited, but man on man Ryker was so upset that Cy got one too. He wanted to be unique. Or something like that. It reminded me of being a kid and the werid feelings you get from your siblings. Cy wants to be like Ryker, and Ryker likes it but also wants his own stuff. They were fighting over Ryker's hoverboard all the time. Cy would beg to ride it and even would do all the silly little chores that Ryker would make him do to earn "ride time".
I was happy to see that they could both have one and play together. Ryker eventually got over it and they now play together just fine.
 March 15
My parents gave us all day passes to Boondocks. And we cashed them in on that day. I remember that week being absolutely draining. I was so stressed out and emotionally drained from family drama on my side of the family. (Which looking back on now was the start of a long division in the family that is still going on. I can't explain it on here, but things with me and my family just aren't the same anymore).

It's amazing how time with these boys makes all the crazy around me disappear for that moment.
 I mean those smiles on those faces are pure joy!

And I might have gotten a little bit a pleasure kicking their butts in bowling..
 ... and lasor tag.
 And believe it or not, the bumper boats were open in March. It was slightly chilly, but still fun!

 March 16- Paint Night Date Night
During Jesse's 15 week Academy our date nights kinda disappeared. The amount of stress it put on him had also added to my plate as well. At this point we were 7 weeks done and were in complete survival mode. We would help each other out when and where ever we could. I tried to listen to Jesse when he would come home from training. He would tell me about certain captain's that just didn't seem to like him. How hard they would push them during a workout and then have to go run drills in their full turnout gear. Hear him complain about his injured shoulder from how hard he got pushed. Try to help him study at night, make his lunch every morning. Occasionally dropping off his lunch him because he forgot it that morning.

What I found so hard during all of that was trying to put my needs as a wife on the back burner. It was totally fine at the beginning. And my head knew why it was the way it was. It was only temporary. But I found my heart having the hardest time understanding what my brain knew. I couldn't burden my sorrows and worries on him while he was going through so much. So thank goodness for my friend Jenny. She got to hear all my stressful moments. She got me through Academy with Jesse.

One night I noticed Jesse scheduling a Paint Night date night for us and I was so tickled that he was trying to plan a date night in the middle of our crazy.

We have never done paint night before and it was totally AWESOME! I loved getting to spend time with him. JUST HIM. Laughing and enjoying just being together. Paint night is something that we have always wanted to do and it was so much fun.

 I loved how they turned out. Both the same, but yet so uniquely different.
 March 27
I recorded on my Instagram the following...

"A few weeks ago Ryker was asking me about the Second Coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ. I told him he could find the answers to alot of his questions in the Topical Guide. So he's been doing his own personal scripture study from 'Jesus Christ, Second Coming of' in the Topical Guide. Seeing him studying this morning in the car ride to school was just a little mind blowing to me. He's doing this all his own, wherever and whenever he can. I love seeing his excitement to learn about the Gospel."

I gave a talk in Sacrament on March 24 and I want to put it in here because I shared some great family stories and testimony about the new Come Follow Me Program.

Experiences from the “Come Follow Me” Program

About two-and-a-half years ago I received a very strong prompting that our family should begin a daily habit of reading the scriptures together. At that time, my oldest son, Ryker was in 3rd grade. My middle son, Cyrus was starting Kindergarten and didn’t know how to read yet. And my baby, Fynn was just one year old.
I told my husband, Jesse about my nudging I had received from the Spirit to do this, but he didn’t feel that we were in the right season of our lives to begin. At this time, he felt burdened at work with his long hours and crazy schedule as a firefighter, he thought the boys were too young to understand, and he didn’t feel like he could commit to doing one more thing at this point.
Despite these obstacles, I felt compelled to follow through on the personal revelation I had received to begin gospel study with my family.  So, I and my boys began reading each day.  I decided that if I wanted to establish a habit of this it would have to become a routine thing. Same time every day. Mornings seemed daunting, but the evenings were always so busy and I’m usually depleted by that time, so I settled on in the morning before school.  Well in the beginning it was a struggle to establish the habit. Waking the boys up 30 minutes earlier for school wasn’t easy.  Not every morning was pretty either. But we learned that generally the mornings that we read from the Book of Mormon made for a better day. We eventually figured out that after everyone was dressed and fed, it worked the best.
I confess that there were some mornings that felt like it was such a fight to get it done, others we maybe got 5 minutes in. Scripture Study with 3 active, rambunctious boys didn’t always produce high levels of edification……. but what I can say is that we stayed consistent in our effort.
It took us 2 school years to read the Book of Mormon. And I will never forget the morning that we finished.  We had 2 chapters left and as we read them the spirit that was present was so tender, so powerful and SO REAL! The tears came and they didn’t stop. The boys could feel it too and the tears flowed down their faces as well. The power in that book is REAL! We know it’s true! We even took on Moroni’s challenge in Moroni 10:4 to ‘…ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.”
Ryker offered this prayer that morning and as he prayed my heart felt as if it were going to burst. I was so amazed at the words that he uttered to his Father in Heaven asking Him to testify to us that the Book of Mormon was true. My heart was so filled with love. Love for my 3 boys. Love for my Eternal Father. Love for our Savior, Jesus Christ. Love for the testimony and knowledge we gained from the Book of Mormon. And love from the Holy Ghost testifying to our hearts of the truth of that book!
In that moment, all the rough mornings were WORTH IT!!!
After we finished the Book of Mormon, we were eager to start on something new and began on President Nelson’s challenge to read every reference about Christ in the Topical Guide. Each taking a turn reading a reference. This has been very exciting for us.
Along the way, my boys have become very good readers. They have learned where to find the references to Christ in the different books of scripture. They are beginning to understand the language of the scriptures. My oldest son, Ryker, now a 5th grader, isn’t afraid to be a light on a hill that cannot be hid and shares his testimony regularly. My second son, Cyrus now a 2nd grader participates fully in family scripture study and genuinely loves looking up the references about Christ, while the 3 year old, Fynn wanders around and does his own thing, weaving in and out of discussion.
Now that the Come Follow Me program has been introduced, Jesse has taken the lead. We study the curriculum before church meetings on Sunday and on Monday night for Family Home Evening. The very first Sunday of the year, Jesse took the lead with the discussion. We were all gathered around our kitchen table all dressed for church and I sat back watching and a feeling of awe came over me. The boys were all very comfortable with this scenario. Sitting around the kitchen table for scripture study was normal for them.  As my husband bore his tender testimony to our boys the spirit confirmed to me that this scenario would not have happened if I had not followed the prompting I had received two-and-a-half years prior. I feel so grateful that I followed through with that one prompting.
What experience set us up to embrace the Come Follow Me Program.
Let me use another story to illustrate and I’d like you to listen with your spiritual ears.
Last week, Jesse and I went to a Paint Night for our date. When we arrived we found empty seats with a canvas, paint brushes and paint ready for each of us. There were about 25 people there and one instructor. Before we started, the Instructor/Artist made us all say out-loud that we weren’t allowed to say anything like… “Oh I messed up” or “My neighbor’s looks better than mine” or “I like theirs better.” She told us that even though we were all there to paint the same image each person’s painting would come out looking different. We all vowed that we would have fun and be the best version of ourselves.
Step by step we were given pretty simple instruction.  Some of the steps felt easy and flawless.  Some of the steps felt maybe a little awkward, hard and maybe a little frustrating. I wondered how these little brush strokes could turn out looking like foliage or water. Each brush stroke in isolation didn’t look very interesting or impressive. In fact, if I stood close to the canvas, all I could see was a mass of unrelated variations of blue strokes.
As we continued to work on our paintings I had moments of “I’m not sure I know what I’m doing” or “I hope this turns out OK” and a few “Oh I like that, I’m proud of how that looks”.
When we finished and I could step back and see all the individual brushstrokes combine together and produced a scene of a peaceful moonlit lake.  Many ordinary, individual brushstrokes working together to create a captivating and if I do say so myself,…(show painting)….. a beautiful painting.

When I step back and look on the past 2.5 years establishing a scripture study habit with my boys in my mind it is an overall beautiful scene. It didn’t matter that not every day went as planned or that we had some mishaps and mistakes throughout. Or as Bob Ross would say…” There are no mistakes, only happy accidents.”
But what mattered was that we were CONSISTENT!!!!
Each time we prayed, and each episode of scripture study was a brush stroke on the canvas of our souls.
Elder Bednar stated… “No one event may appear to be very impressive or memorable. But just as the different shades of [blue] and [white] strokes of paint complement each other and produce an impressive masterpiece, so our consistency in doing seemingly small things can lead to significant spiritual results.” (“More Diligent and Concerned at Home”, Oct 2009 Gen. Conf.)
When we started implementing the Come Follow Me Curriculum in our family, I felt confident going into it because I could draw from our scripture study experience and it helped me know that if we stayed consistent with it, we would slowly create something wonderful.
 I also find comfort from the blessings promised from our beloved Prophet to those families who embrace the Come Follow Me program;
 “Homes transformed into sanctuaries of faith.”
“The power of families unleashed’”
“Sabbath Days will truly be a delight.”
“The influence of the adversary in our lives and homes will DECREASE.”
“The children will be excited to learn and live the Savior’s teachings.”
This week for Family Night we were discussing why the Savior taught in parables. We then discussed the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares. I had the boys read the Parable first and then we broke down the Spiritual Side of it. And I’ll be honest going into this I was a little worried they were going to be bored. But to my surprise they were completely engaged and loving unfolding the meaning behind the parable. They were even putting the pieces together before I even told them what each thing represented. I saw them connecting the dots and the excitement in their eyes as they were learning with their spiritual ears was powerful. I can see the prophets promise unfolding.
This week I also asked my family what their impressions have been from implementing Come Follow Me into our home. Or maybe what their favorite part about it was? Or their favorite story?
Jesse said that he is enjoying the time we are making to talk about the Gospel with each other. He said it is an inspired program because it has felt natural and just makes sense.
Ryker said he loved learning about the original 12 apostles and how we have 12 modern-day apostles. He loved seeing the picture of the modern-day apostles all together in Rome standing in front of the Christus and 12 Apostles Statues. It’s made him feel happy and he likes going to church prepared to discuss the week’s topic.
Cyrus said he loves when we dress up and act out some of the stories. He loves the “Spiritual Smoothies” that we have during our lessons. He admitted that is makes him happy and sometimes mad. And his favorite story was when Christ cast out the legion of devils into the 20,000 pigs and they ran off the cliff.
When I asked Fynn what he liked about the Come Follow Me program that we had been doing in our family I was shocked to get a related answer from him. He said, “I like we sing”.
I was a little surprised that no one mentioned anything about the Family Night Lesson where we learned about John-the Baptist eating locus and honey.  And I gave each of them dried crickets as their family night treat.

Now, going back to my paint night story, did you listen with your spiritual ears? I gave you a modern-day Come Follow Me Parable. We can call it the Parable of the Paint Night.
The instructor is like the Savior. He is giving us step by step instructions. Even weekly instructions with the Come Follow Me Curriculum. Some weeks we will think “I’m not sure I know what I’m doing” or “I hope this turns out OK” and a few “Oh I like that, I’m proud of how that lesson or discussion went”. We are all going to have “painting moments” that feel amazing and others not so sure if it’s even worth trying. We have to remember that… “No one event may appear to be very impressive or memorable. But just as the different shades of [blue] and [white] strokes of paint complement each other and produce an impressive masterpiece, so our consistency in doing seemingly small things can lead to significant spiritual results.”
Like the instructor, our Savior doesn’t want us to compare our “paintings” to each other’s. The beauty of the Come Follow Me program is that we are all studying the same curriculum and yet each family, each person, each “Painting” is uniquely beautiful.
It’s supposed to look different for each of us. As I thought about that. Each of us having a unique painting of our lives. I envisioned an overall painting as a ward and as a church. Envision each family in our unique efforts as a single brush stroke on the ward and church painting. Individual brushstrokes combining together to produce a Heavenly scene working together to create something captivating, holy and GLORIOUS!
I testify that if we stay CONSISTENT, DILIGENT and CREATE OPPORTUNITIES TO FEEL THE SPIRIT, God will fulfill his promises and begin to “work miracles in us and in our lives.” 
 “As disciples of the Savior, we are not merely striving to know more; rather, we need to consistently do more of what we know is right and become better.”
Truly, “the Lord likes effort, and He blesses our best efforts.”

I testify that the Come Follow Me Program is truly inspired and comes from God. Its already changed my family and I thank Heavenly Father every night for blessing me to be a mother in this time of the Church. And for the blessing of raising 3 active, rambunctious boys with this Program.
I say these things in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,

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