Sunday, September 18, 2016

Annual Girls Trip to Park City

It was that time of year again. PARK CITY!!! We all met up at the Yuki Yama Restaurant for Sushi. The past 3 years we have gone to Blue Sushi, but we were feeling like we needed to branch out. And it was SO yummy. Em and Tay didn't get sushi, but they love their meals. 
We went to the hotel and stayed up late talking and laughing with each other. I really do love these girls and that we have this tradition together. We all get along so well, but are all so different. So it's just great.
The next morning before we headed off to go shopping at the Outlets, Mom told me that she had to leave. You see she has been having this weird thing with her eyes every time we color he hair. She found out from her Ophthalmologist that she is getting chemicals burns on her eyes from it. So baffling. I have been trying to eliminate what the cause would be and it doesn't seem to be changing a whole lot. So she had to leave because they were so painful. Which made us all feel bad that we were going to be shopping without her. But she insisted that we stayed and to have fun.

We did have a good time, but we missed her all day. We had found out once we got home that she had taken some serious pain killers and just slept all day. Oh it just makes me so sad. I wish I could figure out how to reduce this problem for her.

So minus the eyeball hiccup with mom we had such a blast together. And I had some left over birthday money (from Dec) and the Christmas money that was all mine to spend. And I didn't have to have any guilt about buying stuff for myself.  

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