Tuesday, September 6, 2016

1 year checkup

I got a kick out of Fynnie trying to put his shoes back on while we were at the doctors office this morning. He's got quite the balancing act going on. 

Stats are as follows:
Weight: 23.25 lbs (57%)
Length: 30.5 in (73%)
Head: 19.1 in (95%)- He's smart. Haha.

This new medical assistant was not my favorite. She wasn't very personable or friendly. And when you are working in pediatrics we have to be both of those. Nope she wasn't. And she was terribly rough with him when she was giving him shots today too. I felt very upset and traumatized by the whole thing. I've never seen a medical assistant treat any of my boys the way that she treated him. Not cool. 

Things about Fynn right that now I don't want to forget.
-plays patty cakes
-waves Hi and Goodbye
-blows kisses on occasion
-signs more, but only occasionally
-freaks out when he doesn't get his way (not cute and not my favorite)
-doesn't like to be left alone
-switched over to a sippy very nicely
-transitioned into cows milk perfectly
-still crawling, not walking. Not even standing on his own yet
-mimics alot of what we do
-still has the biggest brightest smile
-3 teeth on the bottom
-occasionally will lay his head on our shoulder and leave it there. Not super snuggly, but more so than any of the other boys. 

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