Sunday, August 23, 2015

40 weeks!!!

Today I am 40 weeks pregnant! Unreal. I left work yesterday feeling so weird that it was my last day until I go back from Maternity leave. I'm just ticking away waiting for this baby to come. Due date came and as I am sitting here on the couch blogging its on its way out. So let the waiting game begin. This week is going to be so interesting. Riker starts 2nd grade tomorrow morning and this baby could come at any moment.
I usually go to the grocery store on Mondays to pick up food for the upcoming dinners for the week. It's hard for me to know how to plan this week out when I have no idea what to expect.
Another thing to wonder about is if Jesse will be working a shift when I go into labor. He's at the station today, Tuesday and Thursday. He might be meeting me at the hospital.
We have a good story ahead of us.  
 Rewind back to last night, we decided to have an evening alone since it's probably our last chance to enjoy a date night without kiddos. And being 9 months pregnant and Jesse had worked a shift the day before we both were tired. So we went to a matinee movie and then had dinner at Mikado afterwards. We were home with the boys no later than 9pm. Haha. We sound like an old couple.

Rewind back another week to the 15th when we took the boys to the drive in with our friends the Seaman's. Back before Summer started Jesse and I said we wanted to take the boys to the drive-in as a family. I had taken the boys for the 4th of July, but we didn't have Jesse with us.

Well as the summer was coming to a close and the due date approaching we realized we didn't have very many weekends left that we could go. So we were happy we still had a little bit of time left before summer came to a close.

That following Tuesday I went to diner with a few of the girls from the salon to celebrate the coming forth of the babe. I was so tickled to have these girls want to go to dinner and celebrate with me. I felt blessed to be surrounded by these salon sisters and delicious Italian pizza. 

So that's kind of the wrap up to the build up to the big day. Now it's here and we wait. I was so worried I wouldn't make it through this last week, but I was able to do every last one of my clients that I had scheduled. I have just about everything else ready to go. I do need to pack a hospital bag still. But I think I'll have time to do that tomorrow.

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