Sunday, June 21, 2015

Summer has begun....

This might be another reason why I haven't posted for a few weeks. It's officially summer and we have no schedule really going on. The one thing that we have planned is swimming lessons. Yay!!!!
Ever since I had the boys take lessons for Jeri Eggett (or as Cy calls her... Sister)... the boys have just done so well. They just finished their first 2 week session and start up the second one tomorrow, and they are doing so great.
Cy, still is fearless. I giggle because he's the bravest and craziest kid in his class. A few of the other kids are so nervous to put their face in the water. And Cy just goes for it. 
 Now Riker is just impressing me like crazy this year. You have to know that this kid used to be one of those kids that would cry to put their face in the water. But now look at him. DIVING OFF THE DIVING BOARD!!!!! Over and over and over. It's awesome! Makes me so proud! Jeri knows what she's doing and these kids are certainly benefitting from it.

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