Sunday, June 21, 2015

Class of 2015? What?

Ok, where the heck did the month of June go? Honestly. I can't blink for a moment or else 3/4 of the month is gone. Sheesh. Granted we have been keeping ourselves busy around the house, but still the time is speeding up.
Speaking of speeding up, my baby sister GRADUATED high school on June 4. Um hello... I remember when she was born. I was practically her 2nd mother. I changed her diapers for heavens sake. Can this really be happening? 
 Well yes it can happen... and it DID happen.

Manda flew down from Oregon to see her. Tyson and Jessica were working so they couldn't make it to the graduation. They did make it to dinner afterwards though, but I forgot to take pictures of that part.

At dinner we were all mentioning that 10 years ago at mine and Jesse's wedding, Chantel was the same age that Ryker is right now. Crazy huh? Well Jesse then said, just imagine in another 10 years, this will be us again (meaning at a graduation dinner) but it'll be for Ryker. Um..... that is hard to imagine.... But I'm sure it'll be here before we know it. Yikes.

That same weekend my parents moved out of their house and into a town home down in Foxboro. They plan on living there until their house in West Layton is built. It's going to be weird to have them living 20 minutes away from us and not 5.

So proud of Chantel graduating. Such a fun time in your life. Glad I could be there to support her and show her we love and care for her. Excited to see what her future will bring for her. All good things I'm sure.  

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