Sunday, June 21, 2015

31 weeks pregnant!

Starting today we are now into the single digit weekly count down! What? I feel excited that I'm already to this point, but also nervous. Several reasons I feel nervous is: 1) The nursery isn't even put together. I wanted a new design and new bedding for this baby (especially since he's getting hand me down everything else). 2) The master bedroom/bathroom NEEDS to be done before this little one comes. So I hope that Jesse can accomplish that goal. And I hope I can help him in anyway that I can. 3) And am I mentally ready to juggle 3 kiddos?
Lots to think about.
But on the flip side, I have loved feeling this little boy moving inside of me. Even though his movements are progressing upward into my ribs and lungs.
 The boys still enjoy feeling him as well. The other night while I was reading the Book of Mormon to them, both of them were trying to feel baby brother moving while I was reading to them. Jesse snapped this picture of this moment and I'm glad that he did.

In the last couple of weeks we have made it a goal to read a chapter from the BofM every night. Because Jesse is diligently working hard on the room I've had the pleasure to do the reading every night. We are trying to instill in them good habits and hopefully good feelings. I wonder how much of it is ever sinking in for them. Especially when reading Isaiah's words. I myself struggles with it, so I wonder how they are feeling?

One thing that we started awhile back was that every time I read either the word, Lord or God (or any name of Jesus Christ) they had to say "Jesus". So as I am reading along they have to shout out "Jesus" everything they hear it. I think it helps them listen. At least I hope. I do laugh though when we are in Sacrament meeting and the speakers will say God or Lord and Cy will blurt out "Jesus" to me. Haha. He's getting something from it right?
Anyway, 9 weeks more and this little one will officially be part of our family. Strange to imagine. But I know once he's here, it will be impossible to imagine our family without him.

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