Sunday, June 21, 2015

Little Red 2015

Back in January I put in for the lottery of Little Red and got in. So 5 months down the road on June 6th I road my bike 50 miles being 29 weeks pregnant. When I did it 2 years ago I road the full 100. But being pregnant my goal was 50. And it was perfect. When I made it to 50 I was totally satisfied. I had pushed myself and that was as far as I wanted to go. I figured that was a good goal for this pregnant body.
As I've gotten further along exercising is still a priority, but I have slowed things down from what I was able to do pre-pregnancy. And that's ok. Some may think that riding 50 miles on a road bike being 29 weeks pregnant is pushing yourself. And it is. But I have toned it down for me.
Along the stops on the course, I had so many women tell me I looked great for 29 weeks and I impressed them that I was even there. I can't count how many times I answered the questions: How far along are you? How far are you riding? Are you feeling good? Etc.   
 I rode with Sarah and Timalee. The three of us went up the night before and stayed at the Marriot and got some dinner.

During the ride, I did really good staying with them until there was any type of hill or headwind. Leaning over that 29 week bump caused me to feel our of breath faster. Hmm, I wonder why? Could it be that I have a little boys bum right by my lungs?

So I would fall behind at times and they were sweet to wait for me. Even though I felt bad that they would. But also grateful. I know they were worried about me because I was slower. But I was just fine. Just slower. I've got an extra 20lbs that I'm not used to pedaling for. Plus not being able to breath as well.

I found that it was easier to ride standing up because I could breath.... but then my legs would burnout. So it was a catch 22. Either way I had something that was buggin'.

But I made it to the 50 mile point. Which is where they provide lunch. And I can't tell you how hungry I was. I burned over 2400 calories in 50 miles.... And for a pregnant woman only snacking on bike eats.... I was VERY ready for a subway sandwich and whatever else they were serving.

After lunch I hitched a ride from the SAG wagon cars, while Sarah and Timalee continued on to finish the 70 miles. I waited for them at the finish line so we could snap a quick photo of us.

We had a good time. And I'm so glad that I did it! I rode 50 miles being 6 1/2 months pregnant. Heck Ya!

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