Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father's Day 2015!!!

Today is Father's Day and Jesse had to work. Shucks! But to celebrate him we went out last night as a family to a movie and dinner. I snapped this picture of these boys and their dad right before the movie started. Aren't they all so handsome? I am one lucky girl. 

Out of all the men/father figures in my life I would have to say that Jesse has had the biggest influence on me. He really is such a great guy! There are so many great things about him that it's hard to list them all. I just know that these 2 (soon to be 3) boys are so blessed to have him as their Dad. They have a solid example of how to live their lives and to be strong men one day.

Happy Father's Day to one of the GREATEST dad's there is. Love you Jesse!

31 weeks pregnant!

Starting today we are now into the single digit weekly count down! What? I feel excited that I'm already to this point, but also nervous. Several reasons I feel nervous is: 1) The nursery isn't even put together. I wanted a new design and new bedding for this baby (especially since he's getting hand me down everything else). 2) The master bedroom/bathroom NEEDS to be done before this little one comes. So I hope that Jesse can accomplish that goal. And I hope I can help him in anyway that I can. 3) And am I mentally ready to juggle 3 kiddos?
Lots to think about.
But on the flip side, I have loved feeling this little boy moving inside of me. Even though his movements are progressing upward into my ribs and lungs.
 The boys still enjoy feeling him as well. The other night while I was reading the Book of Mormon to them, both of them were trying to feel baby brother moving while I was reading to them. Jesse snapped this picture of this moment and I'm glad that he did.

In the last couple of weeks we have made it a goal to read a chapter from the BofM every night. Because Jesse is diligently working hard on the room I've had the pleasure to do the reading every night. We are trying to instill in them good habits and hopefully good feelings. I wonder how much of it is ever sinking in for them. Especially when reading Isaiah's words. I myself struggles with it, so I wonder how they are feeling?

One thing that we started awhile back was that every time I read either the word, Lord or God (or any name of Jesus Christ) they had to say "Jesus". So as I am reading along they have to shout out "Jesus" everything they hear it. I think it helps them listen. At least I hope. I do laugh though when we are in Sacrament meeting and the speakers will say God or Lord and Cy will blurt out "Jesus" to me. Haha. He's getting something from it right?
Anyway, 9 weeks more and this little one will officially be part of our family. Strange to imagine. But I know once he's here, it will be impossible to imagine our family without him.

Little Red 2015

Back in January I put in for the lottery of Little Red and got in. So 5 months down the road on June 6th I road my bike 50 miles being 29 weeks pregnant. When I did it 2 years ago I road the full 100. But being pregnant my goal was 50. And it was perfect. When I made it to 50 I was totally satisfied. I had pushed myself and that was as far as I wanted to go. I figured that was a good goal for this pregnant body.
As I've gotten further along exercising is still a priority, but I have slowed things down from what I was able to do pre-pregnancy. And that's ok. Some may think that riding 50 miles on a road bike being 29 weeks pregnant is pushing yourself. And it is. But I have toned it down for me.
Along the stops on the course, I had so many women tell me I looked great for 29 weeks and I impressed them that I was even there. I can't count how many times I answered the questions: How far along are you? How far are you riding? Are you feeling good? Etc.   
 I rode with Sarah and Timalee. The three of us went up the night before and stayed at the Marriot and got some dinner.

During the ride, I did really good staying with them until there was any type of hill or headwind. Leaning over that 29 week bump caused me to feel our of breath faster. Hmm, I wonder why? Could it be that I have a little boys bum right by my lungs?

So I would fall behind at times and they were sweet to wait for me. Even though I felt bad that they would. But also grateful. I know they were worried about me because I was slower. But I was just fine. Just slower. I've got an extra 20lbs that I'm not used to pedaling for. Plus not being able to breath as well.

I found that it was easier to ride standing up because I could breath.... but then my legs would burnout. So it was a catch 22. Either way I had something that was buggin'.

But I made it to the 50 mile point. Which is where they provide lunch. And I can't tell you how hungry I was. I burned over 2400 calories in 50 miles.... And for a pregnant woman only snacking on bike eats.... I was VERY ready for a subway sandwich and whatever else they were serving.

After lunch I hitched a ride from the SAG wagon cars, while Sarah and Timalee continued on to finish the 70 miles. I waited for them at the finish line so we could snap a quick photo of us.

We had a good time. And I'm so glad that I did it! I rode 50 miles being 6 1/2 months pregnant. Heck Ya!

Summer has begun....

This might be another reason why I haven't posted for a few weeks. It's officially summer and we have no schedule really going on. The one thing that we have planned is swimming lessons. Yay!!!!
Ever since I had the boys take lessons for Jeri Eggett (or as Cy calls her... Sister)... the boys have just done so well. They just finished their first 2 week session and start up the second one tomorrow, and they are doing so great.
Cy, still is fearless. I giggle because he's the bravest and craziest kid in his class. A few of the other kids are so nervous to put their face in the water. And Cy just goes for it. 
 Now Riker is just impressing me like crazy this year. You have to know that this kid used to be one of those kids that would cry to put their face in the water. But now look at him. DIVING OFF THE DIVING BOARD!!!!! Over and over and over. It's awesome! Makes me so proud! Jeri knows what she's doing and these kids are certainly benefitting from it.

Class of 2015? What?

Ok, where the heck did the month of June go? Honestly. I can't blink for a moment or else 3/4 of the month is gone. Sheesh. Granted we have been keeping ourselves busy around the house, but still the time is speeding up.
Speaking of speeding up, my baby sister GRADUATED high school on June 4. Um hello... I remember when she was born. I was practically her 2nd mother. I changed her diapers for heavens sake. Can this really be happening? 
 Well yes it can happen... and it DID happen.

Manda flew down from Oregon to see her. Tyson and Jessica were working so they couldn't make it to the graduation. They did make it to dinner afterwards though, but I forgot to take pictures of that part.

At dinner we were all mentioning that 10 years ago at mine and Jesse's wedding, Chantel was the same age that Ryker is right now. Crazy huh? Well Jesse then said, just imagine in another 10 years, this will be us again (meaning at a graduation dinner) but it'll be for Ryker. Um..... that is hard to imagine.... But I'm sure it'll be here before we know it. Yikes.

That same weekend my parents moved out of their house and into a town home down in Foxboro. They plan on living there until their house in West Layton is built. It's going to be weird to have them living 20 minutes away from us and not 5.

So proud of Chantel graduating. Such a fun time in your life. Glad I could be there to support her and show her we love and care for her. Excited to see what her future will bring for her. All good things I'm sure.  

Monday, June 1, 2015

Settling in...

First I have to start out with the picture. It's a picture I took tonight just standing up in the toy room from the window. I love that we get to look at this every night. It's breath taking on a clear night. You can see the whole valley. 
Ok, now a little update about baby. Yesterday I turned 28 weeks pregnant. Yikes. It's going by so fast. But anyway, these 2 boys are just in love with this little baby boy already. A few nights ago as we were reading stories before bed they were just feeling him moving around. Ryker was talking into my belly introducing himself "Hi, I'm Ryker your big brother".
Then they were kissing and rubbing my belly. Then for some reason they wanted to hear him, so Ryker placed his ear right on my belly and that very instant he got kicked/punched right in the ear. Oh man he giggled so hard.
Cyrus is so sweet about the whole thing too. He always makes sure to say in his prayers "Please bless the baby" or "and thank you for the baby". Things like that. And he makes sure that we say it too when someone else prays.
It makes me excited to have them meet this new one for the first time.

I mentioned in my last post about one of my first projects was the boys bathroom. Well here you go... The "BEFORE" picture of it. Isn't that the prettiest blue countertop you had ever seen? Yikes. Right?

 And the bathtub/shower/toilet area....
And where they meet....

Since the paint I found to paint the countertop was oil based and very strong, I took precautions to keep me and the baby safe. Looking pretty good. (27 weeks pregnant in this picture)

Jesse helped me take the sink out so it would be easier to paint. But check out this before and after shot. Isn't this just great? I was so excited about it because it was such an easy project to give this bathroom an updated feel.

Thankfully I was able to talk Jesse into purchasing a new sink and faucet, so it practically feels like new.
Amazing what a new shower curtain, towels and paint can do.

Glad that this bathroom is feeling better because Jesse and I will be using it along with the boys for the next few weeks. Reason is.... we are remodeling our master bedroom. So we won't have a shower for a little while once everything gets torn out. Its going to be our first BIG project on the house. I'm excited about it. I did give Jesse a dead line because I really want it done before the baby comes. And thankfully he says he'll do it. I joke with him that I'm going to write up a contract for him to have it done in time.

So I'll have to post about the start and progress about that project next. In the mean time I have been browsing the internet or Pinterest for color schemes and ideas for the whole bedroom, closet and bathroom. It's going to be cool.