Sunday, November 4, 2012

Birthday Boy!

Also in the past week Jesse had a birthday! I won't say that he turned 32... oops! Yes my man is 32. Jesse says he's old, but I beg to differ. He doesn't look a day over 25.
On his birthday (Fri Oct 26) I made him a nice yummy dinner at home. Then that Sunday (Oct 28th) we had family over for another yummy dinner and dessert.
Then I took him up to Park City Friday night (Nov 2) for a one night stay at The Chateaux at Silver Lake Hotel (thank you for the awesome deal). It was just the two of us and it was Heaven! Thanks to Mike and Heidi for watching the boys for us!.
We had such a good time. Sleeping in was so nice, we ate a several yummy restaurants, saw a movie on Saturday and just simply relaxed. I loved having the chance to spend that time with Jesse. It was simply perfect!
While we are focused on Jesse I thought I'd give an update about the fire fighter situation.

Alright, the last thing a mentioned he was going to be taking the Murray written test. He went in and right off the bat they tell the whole group that is about to test that the department isn't even hiring at the moment. Just a list is being put together. So instantly Jesse's high hopes for this department were smashed.

Does't it seem silly to go to all that effort to put together a hiring list (and get alot of men/women's hopes up) if you aren't even hiring?

Saturday Oct 20th we get home from taking family pictures with Jesse's family and there was a letter in the mail from Murray with his results from the test. He scored 88.84% Not exactly what he was hoping for, but he had still done better than his buddies from academy who too had taken the test. He later found out from Kevin that he had scored the best out of everyone. But because he doesn't have his paramedic it didn't get those preference points which put about 40 other guys over him. Gosh dang it!

Anyway, about ten minutes after Jesse opens his letter I get a phone call from Lynette (she's the girl I work with). She was calling for her boyfriend, Greg (he works at Murray), who wanted to talk to Jesse. Greg wanted to know what Jesse scored and if he was invited to take the physical test (which he was). Greg then went onto giving Jesse really good advice and tips for the test. Also offered for Jesse to join him for a ride along. Jesse was feeling so grateful to Greg because Greg hasn't ever met Jesse and was doing all this nice stuff for him.

When Jesse went on the ride along he said that everyone at the department was super nice to him. They all were giving him tips and talking with him like they were good friends. Jesse loved every minute of it. He was able to go on one call to a car crash. They all live for stuff like that. It's kind of a funny thing that they all get so excited over things like that where on the other side of the story that person or persons isnt' so happy.

That Saturday (Oct 27) Jesse took the physical test. The cutoff time was 5 minutes and Jesse did it in 3:02. He killed it! So proud of him!

The following week Lynette asked me at work what Jesse thought about the ride along and I told her what Jesse had told me. Then she told me that Greg was very impressed with him and Greg feels like Jesse would be great for the job.

So we know that when the time comes Greg will put a good word in for Jesse. Just gotta wait for someone to retire so that can become a possibility.

Jesse received his ranking number in the mail yesterday from Murray and he's #41. From what we understand all the ones above him all have paramedic preference points.

I'm not good at explaining these things, but from what I understand Murray is a separate entity. I guess that means they pretty much can hire anyone they want. So we hope that even with Jesse ranked at 41 that he can have more of an edge on it with Keven and Greg saying Jesse is good for the job. Who knows. Only time will tell.

On another good note. Jesse got a phone call from South Salt Lake Department asking him to go in for a Chief's Interview for a paid part time job on Nov 14. I guess Kevin knows the Chief really well there too. So we hope that this can be a good way to get his foot in the door.

And we continue to wait. I'll update more when things happen. Until then.

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