Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Preschool Dude

This little Mr. started his second year of Preschool today. Second years go on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for 2 1/2 hours. So he gets to go more often than he did last year and he stays an extra half hour.
I bought him a new back pack this year and he was pretty excited about it. When I was taking his picture he wanted to make sure that I got his back pack in the picture.
The preschool he goes to is a lady in our ward that lives right around the corner from our house. She too is the teacher the Ryker took swim lessons from all summer. W have become very familiar with her home/yard. So when taking Ryker over there this morning he didn't even look back. He just went right on in like he owned the place. Glad to see that he was excited and comfortable with going.

I know all moms say it but.... He's growing up too fast! Thankfully I get one more year out of him before he goes off to the big school.

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