Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Labor Day Weekend in Moab (Day 1)

Third annual Labor Day Weekend trip to Moab with the Smith Family was a success. Nobody went into labor and nobody was pregnant to mess up the trip. It's been a joke in the family that we have had pregnancy issues every time we go to Moab. So thankfully we didn't have to worry about that this year.
Everyone but Tyson and Tayler left Thursday night after work. T&T couldn't go down until Friday after work. They were very much missed on Friday.
Heidi had it all planned out that each couple would have a day that they were in charge of. And on that day you prepped, cooked and cleaned up all the meals and you planned the activity.
Friday was mine and Jesse's day to plan. I took charge of the food and Jesse took charge of the activity.  Jesse planned a great bike ride for those able and willing to go. Porcupine Rim. It's about a 15 mile trail one way. So we parked one car at the end of it so we'd have a way to get back to the beginning.
After breakfast we all geared up and were ready to go.
And brave, sweet Heidi stayed behind to watch the boys for us so we could enjoy ourselves. Bless her heart! We owe her big!
 So here we are on our ride. Well not riding at that moment. Resting.

 The trail had a great view from the top of Castle Valley. It's awesome! It made it all worth the climb.
 After 5 miles of uphill the next 10 were mostly downhill. Which is Jesse's favorite. I'm quite a bit more timid than he is going downhill. He just goes for it, Trying to get as much air as he can on some spots. He's pretty awesome! Hopefully one day I can be as good as he is. Someday.
 This was close to the end of the trail looking out over the Colorado River.
 Once we reached the end Jesse and Dad took the car we had parked and drove back to the beginning to get the truck. And while they were doing that Andrew, Emily and I stayed behind with the bikes to wait. The only shade we could find was the tunnel at the end of the trail going under the main rode. So we waited, waited, some slept and still did some more waiting. I remember feeling really hungry so it made the waiting that much harder.
When they made it back they surprised us with ice cold Gatorade. AWE. Nothing has ever tasted SOOO yummy.

We made it back to the condo and had a late lunch. Then until it was dinner time everyone just did their own thing. Some went to the pool, others showered, played games. Then it was chow time.

Day 1 was a success. I think I am officially hooked to biking. Before our trip I purchased a Mountain Bike. Every year we had gone I had borrowed from someone. But I decided it was time to get one of my own. So Christmas came early for me this year.

The Porcupine Rim trail was perfect to test it out. I love it! I'm now set with my road bike and my mountain bike. I'm looking forward to the time that Jesse and I can spend together doing this.

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