Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Oregon Coast

Thursday we all debated on what we could and should do. It was our last day so we decided to do something fun. Manda and Jon thought it would be a good idea to take us to see the Oregon coast. And it turned out to be a great idea.
Once we got there we stopped and ate a place called Mo's. They mostly serve seafood, so at first I was a little nervous. I've become way more open to eating fish now than I was 8 years ago. So I was a brave girl and ordered the halibut and it was the yummiest halibut I had ever had (I don't have much to compare it to since I haven't had halibut all that much, but I loved every bite).
 Then it was off the the coast. Jon took us to this hike called Hobbit Hole. This trail was about a half a mile down hill through a thick beautiful forest.
 Believe it or not, but yes there is a baby in there. Max is so tiny it looks like Jon is just carrying a blanket.

At the end of the half mile the trail turns into a tunnel of trees (hence the name of the trail). It's this way for about 20 feet then it opens up into a sandy beach. So cool!
It's not your typical beach you'd imagine. The water is ice cold and the air was breezy. But with our light jackets it was perfect to walk along the beach.

 With the water being as cold as it was I thought there was no way Ryker and Cyrus would want to go in. And if they did I thought they wouldn't return. Well I was completely wrong. Both of them were walking through it like it was bath water. I was a baby about it if my toe got wet while they were soaked up to their waste and didn't make one complaint.
We eventually made it over to the rocky shore. The tide was down so we were able to look for sea creatures.

 We saw several sea urchins but the boys favorite were the star fish. I love this picture of them. They would have spent the whole rest of the day there if we could have. But we still had an hour and a half drive back to Eugene.

The hike back up had a whole new feel to it. I thought it was so amazing that this green lush forest was right next to a beach. It's crazy to go from strolling on the beach to hiking in the mountains within a half a mile. So awesome!

We got home alot later than we'd expected but it didn't matter, it was all SO worth it. Thanks go out to Manda and Jon for a fun day!

After we ate dinner Jon drove Jesse out to the Eugene airport to pick up the rental car. The next morning we had to head home. Darn it. The whole week went by way too fast.

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