Sunday, November 13, 2011

8 Months Old

I feel bad that I never got around to posting Cy's 6 and 7 month updates. So even though I'm a week late I'm for sure getting his 8 month in.

Jesse and I were talking and we agreed that this age has been one of the most fun. But we do tend to say that about every new stage the boys are in.

In the past week or two Cy has gone from an army crawl to a regular crawl. One day I looked over and he was up on his hands and knees crawling around. And I thought to myself...When did that happen?

 He is such a happy little boy. Always smiling (Unless he's tired or hungry, but can you blame him?). I often think that I should take on his easy going attitude and smile more. Look at life more positively. Even though he doesn't know any different, I'm going to try and be more like my little Cy.

Look at this cute face...
...doesn't it make you want to SMILE? Or just give him a BIG squeeze? My favorite is the bottom right picture. Such a big smile with his squinty eyes. Awe! I LOVE it!!!

Things I want to remember about Cy at 8 months...

-Loves to grab your face/nose
-Plays with his tongue
-Gums table foods because he still has no teeth
-Pulls himself up onto things to stand
-Wants to be doing whatever Ryker is doing
-Laughs the hardest at Ryker
-Not a big fan of Mom's homemade baby food :(
-Loves table foods
-Sleeps 12 hours a night
-Takes 2 naps a day
-Can make the 'dada' or 'daddy' sounds (Jesse's favorite)
-HATES his puffy winter coat
-Loves to pound on things.... it's like he's a bongo drummer on everything he touches

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh he kills me!! Can I please have kids as cute as yours??