Saturday, March 19, 2011

2 Weeks Down...

...and many more to come.

The past 2 weeks have been really good considering we have a newborn in the house. Cyrus really has been a good baby. He's been a great sleeper at night and during the day he's just so chill. I've really enjoyed having him around.

I love how much Ryker loves Cyrus. They are going to be some fun together when Cy gets older. But for now Ryker continues to be my little helper.

It's amazing how quickly times goes by when you aren't pregnant anymore. I felt like 2 weeks at the end was an eternity. But now it's nothin' really.

On Friday Mar 18th I took Cyrus in for his 2 week checkup. I had to be there bright and early at 8:20am. I kept wondering how I was going to get 2 kids fed and ready to go and still get there on time. But thankfully Heidi offered up her services to come out and watch Ryker while I just took Cy. What a huge help that was. Thank you Heidi!

At the doctors appointment Cyrus when weighed and measured. They measured him to be 21 1/4 inches long...which goes to prove how WRONG the nurse at the hospital was when she measured him to be 18 inches long. So careless.

His umbilical cord fell off Thursday night and his circumcision is all healed and looking great. Yeah for full on baths!

Also he had to get the second PKU testing done. So his little heal had to be poked. He only cried when the nurse poked him, but after that he was just fine sucking on his hand while she squeezed the blood out onto the card.

Dr Reese said Cyrus is looking great! Which is always good to hear!

Here are his stats;
Weight: 8lbs 6oz---36th percentile
Height: 21 1/4 in---69th percentile
Head Circum: 37.4cm---55th percentile

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