Tuesday, June 7, 2016

9 months

We are nearly to the point of "He's been out as long as he was in", but not for a few more weeks (since he was 11 days late and 40 weeks pregnant doesn't add up to 9 months of being pregnant). It'll be Jun 20 when that day comes (yes, I counted it out).
Anyway, it's unreal to think of how much time and how much he's grown the past 9 months. This bundle of rolls and smiles brings us more joy than we could have ever imagined. That elephant is getting smaller by the month.

Fynn had his 9 month check up this morning. He was all smiles at the doctor. Dr. Sabey commented several times how he's so happy and smiley. Which is just who he is. The Happiest Smiley Baby around.
His growth stats are;
Weight: 21 lbs --- 57%
Length: 29 in --- 74%
Head Circ: 18.5 in --- 90%

I've been surprised since day one how much love Cy has for Fynn. Lately Cy wants to carry him around. I get so nervous when he's doing it, but they both just love it. There are times that Cy is rough with him (like the time he drug Fynn across the floor by the hood of his sweatshirt. Sheesh Cy)

I like to say that Cy loves Fynn SO HARD!!!
Fynn finally started crawling. Or should I say scooting? I really don't even know what to call it. He has one leg stretched out in front and the other behind him. It reminds me of a caterpillar or and inchworm the way he stretches his legs back and forth to get where he wants to go. Honestly, words don't even give the justice of how comical it truly is. Especially now that he getting faster at it.

Few things about him at this stage:
-Obviously "crawling"
-Says sounds like "mamamamama" and "dadadadada", this morning at the Dr.'s he said the sound "HI". But the Dr. says we can't count it because at this stage it's just saying consonant sounds.
-Still breastfeeding 4 times a day
-Hasn't had any formula yet (this has been the most successful breastfeeding experience, 3rd times the charm right?)
-We all love his chunky rolls on his legs
-His hair is filling in nicely
-Cruises around the house in his walker (we all have to watch our ankles/toes because he runs into us)
-Started getting into the garbage can if it's left out.
-Same with the bottom kitchen drawers/cabinets
-Loves food, eats just about whatever we give him.
-Nothing tops his oatmeal though
-The last week or so when I come home from work he gets SO EXCITED to see me. Then he won't want me to leave him the rest of the night. We've never had a baby ever be partial to one parent or the other.
-Sleeps 10-11 hours a night.
-Loves his small grey blanket (that we call his Softy) and his binki when he gets sleepy and ready for bed.
-With all my efforts to teach him "more" in sign language, he refuses to do it. He just gets mad or grunts instead.
-Started doing patty cake though.
-Mimics us with nodding and shaking our heads.
-Everything goes into his mouth.
-Can pick up the tiniest thing on the floor.

Happy 9 months Fynn! We love you!

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