Thursday, April 21, 2016

~7 months old~

I'm still in awe over this human being. He's simply the happiest, calmest, sweetest baby there is. I just can't seem to get enough of him. I don't remember feeling like I didn't want my boys to grow up. But with him I just want him to stay little forever. I'm just loving everything that he does. From his big huge grin to his chunky rolls and his pillow feet, I just want to eat him. Haha. (never understood that when I was a kid, always thought it was weird when adults would say that about babies, but now I get it).
This past week two teeth have finally emerged on the bottom. I was happy to see them finally break through because you could tell his mouth was hurting.
Not crawling yet. And not really showing any signs of it soon either. No joke he is so content to just sit and play with toys or even just look around. And truthfully, I kinda don't care that he isn't crawling yet. Who needs them mobile when they are totally happy staying in one place? Not me. He is good for a little bit longer.
He can roll from his back to his tummy, but he can't (I really should ay WONT) roll back over. He just cries and cries after awhile.
Giggles like crazy.
Everything still goes in his mouth.
Loving solid foods and table foods(the ones that I let him eat). He loves his oatmeal before bedtime.  

Loves his brothers. And they love him back (too much some times).

 He has these big bright eyes that are to die for. Then adding that hug grin you can't help but smile and want to squeeze him.
Bath time is fun too. I laying him down in the water because he gets really chatting with himself. It's like he's listening to his noises under the water.

Can't believe that I wanted to stop having kids at 2. So glad we were prompted and followed through with that prompting to get pregnant again. I can't imagine life without theis little angel.

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