Monday, February 10, 2014

The Cake...

Ryker told me he wanted the frosting to be blue. So when I was making the frosting I let him drop the food coloring in until it became the right color of blue he desired.
 I made two separate cakes in two 1.5qt pyrex bowls. The next day I carved out the inside of each side with a spoon.
 Filled the bottom half as full as I could with Ryker's favorite candy. Frosted the top of it so the top piece would stick.
 I frosted the whole thing and then put it in the fridge for 30 minutes.
 Then I smoothed out the frosting and poured sprinkles on top. Once cutting it open the candy all spilled out, just like an actual piƱata.
This was the easiest cake I have ever made, but turned out the coolest. I love that. Little effort with big results. Everybody loved it!

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