Saturday, September 7, 2013

Breaking Tradition

Three years in a row now the Smith Family has gone to Moab over Labor Day Weekend. This year that tradition was broken. At first we were all talking about going to Capital Reef for a change of scenery, but looking further into every body's schedules (especially Jesse's), going far away wasn't going to be an option. So Mom did some research and found a condo in Eden that they could trade their time share for.
We all met at Pineview Reservoir late Saturday Morning (Aug 31). The afternoon was spend paddle boarding, canoeing, playing in the sand, hanging out, eating lunch and enjoying each others company.
Very few and far between do Jesse and I get to spend more than 24 hours together. So we were looking forward to a few days together. It'll be so so nice to have him around more once he finishes Paramedic School. November will be a welcomed month. So far 2013 has brought us quite the adventure. It hasn't been easy at times, but our goal is to come out of it having become better than when we started. I am blessed and I am grateful for the challenges and trials to help me learn and grow. And I am grateful to be by this man's side every step of the way. He's strong, diligent, smart, hardworking and motivated. All the while looking good while he does it all. How Does he do it all? I'd pass out from being overwhelmed. And he acts like it's nothing. I need to take some lessons from him.

Pretty sure I'm the luckiest girl to have landed a mother-in-law like Heidi!
Tyson is still young at heart. Playing in the mud with the three grandsons. A boy's dream!
After several hours in the hot sun the boys (and the adults) were pooped. So we headed up to the condo to get dinner going. I had to giggle at these two cousins. They were having a blast jumping on the beds like little monkeys. We all comment how much fun it is to see these two grow up together. They are only 6 months apart, so I feel like they are going to be buds for a really long time.

As the night goes on we slowly start to see each of our sunburns. Poor Emily, I swear anytime we are ever in the sun she gets REALLY sunburned. This time it was really funny because you could see exactly where Andrew had sprayed. He gave her zebra legs. 

The plan for the rest of the weekend was... Nothing! Which is fantastic! Sometimes it's nice not having anything to do. We were all lounging in our cozy clothes all day. Playing card games, chatting, munching on goodies, laughing and just enjoying us all being out of reality for a split moment.

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