Monday, August 22, 2011


Amongst all the chaos, we actually got a chance to hang out in our back yard as a family. We usually are in our yard alot in the summers. I don't know what it is about this summer, but we have been so busy with work, church callings and camps, wedding planning, two boys...etc, etc, etc. It was really nice to lay down on the grass and all be together. It was reminding me of a time when we were hanging out with Ryker 3 summers ago. So I decided to compare Ryker and Cy at this age. When I pulled up the pictures of Ryker at 6 months old, I was totally shocked. I had forgotten what he looked like. And sure enough they definitely look like brothers, if not twins. Ryker is on the left, and Cy is on the right. It's amazing how they look like the same person.

1 comment:

Ilez said...

Wow they seriously look exactly alike!