Sunday, November 3, 2013

Jesse's Birthday Weekend!

Last weekend I got the pleasure of taking this guy out for his Birthday! We were lucky enough that on his birthday (10/26) he didn't have a shift or a ride along. So we got to go a date. This year they have been hit and miss due to the crazy schedule. I think we have been on about 5 dates this whole year. Not something to brag about, but it just goes to show how much he has been gone.
To make up for our lack of dates I wanted to plan a really fun one for him. Our first stop was Boondocks Fun Center in Kaysville. We were lucky enough to have warmish weather, so we were able to do the activities outside. Such as the Go-Carts. 
 ...and Mini Golf.
 Before we headed to dinner we played in the Arcade games. It was fun to do kid activities. Something else besides the usual dinner and a movie night (which we really do like to do).

I took Jesse to a new Sushi Restaurant at Farmington Station, called Sushi Monster. He loves sushi so it was perfect for his birthday. I have started to like some of it too, so it was a win-win for us. It's nice to be able to enjoy something together.
 We then went to the movie "Gravity". Jesse's choice. It was pretty good. I didn't really care what movie we saw, I was just happy to be spending time with my Birthday Boy!

Because of Jesse's busy schedule we weren't able to celebrate his birthday with the family on Sunday. So we had to plan it on a Monday night when he would actually be home. Unfortunately that wasn't the best night for everyone to be there because of their jobs or school. But we had to do it that night or else he wouldn't get a party. So we celebrated with those who were able to make it. :)

I made arrangements at Mikado. Probably his favorite restaurant. They have the best sushi. So he got spoiled getting sushi that close together. But he totally deserves it for all his hard work this last year.
 The big 33! I feel like I just through him a surprise party for when he was turning 30. I wish time would slow down for just a moment. You have to live in the moment and soak up every memory. Thank heavens for pictures and blogging. I would forget everything.

I ordered a German Chocolate Cake from Parson's Bakery. They are the best. It was so tempting that I actually had to cheat on my no sugar goal (until Thanksgiving) that night. And it was worth every bite!
I think this might be a new favorite picture of Jesse and me. Words certainly can't express how much I love this man! I wrote him a letter telling him this very thing, and the best way I could put it into words was by his name.

R-eal Man
O-pen Minded
T-rust Worthy


That is to only name a few, but I think it sums it up pretty nicely. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Because of him I have meaning in my life and something to live for. People always ask me what’s new and all I can talk about is him (and the boys). I don’t know why I feel like I need to tell everybody everything that he is doing at the moment? But I think it’s because I want to brag about the dedicated man I am married to. How did I get so lucky? I love him so much and I hope he had an enjoyable birthday amongst this crazy time in his life.  Happy 33rd Birthday my dear!                          

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