Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Eve (For Real)

Traditionally on Christmas Eve The Smith Family goes to an Assisted Living Care Center and puts on a little Christmas program for the Elderly. It used to be with the extended Smith family (Mike's brother and Sisters and all their kids). But it got too crazy so Mike and Heidi narrowed it down to just their kids.
But this year we wanted to do something  a little different. So we came up with the idea to take dinner to a family in need. Each of us had our assignment. Mom cooked a ham and some yummy yams. I made my yummy artisan bread and some Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies. Tyson and Tayler made mashed potatoes and some delicious stuffed strawberries. Then Emily made green bean casserole.
Heidi's friend from her ward had a list of people that needed stuff for Christmas. So that's where we got the name of this family. 
We all met around 6pm Christmas Eve night to take dinner to this family of 8 (a mom and dad with 3 boys and 3 girls). When we arrived they were all very welcoming, excited and so grateful that we were there.
We only visited with them for a little bit, then we left so they could enjoy their Christmas Eve dinner.
Afterwards we all headed to the Golden Living Center and asked for a few names that we could take a little treat to and do some caroling. It's funny how some of them are so happy for us to sing them a song while others don't really want to be bothered. But the ones that enjoyed our songs made up for the grumpy ones. I hope when I get old I remember to stay happy.
Then it was time for us to eat. We all headed over to Andrew and Emily's for dinner. All of us made extra of each of our assignments. So when we got there it was in the oven staying warm.
The boys all put together the big table in the living room where we all had a big delicious feast.
 Emily's brother in law was out doing Santa stuff and he heard that we would all be at Andrew and Emily's house. So he offered to make a quick stop to see the boys. Ryker and Cy have been super lucky this year. I think they have seen Santa about 5 different times.

I love this picture of the boys. Ryker is just smiling away, so happy to sit there. Cy doesn't know what to think. Haha and then Sterling wanted NOTHING to do with Santa. It's priceless.
 Once Santa left and we got everything all cleaned up we all headed up to Aunt Care's house (Mike's sister). We didn't stay long because it was getting late. But it was fun to see the family and sing some Christmas songs together. Between Uncle Dave playing his guitar, Annie and Marrissa (Aunt Care's daughters) on the piano and Emily playing her violin we all had quite the little concert.

The boys got to shake some jingle bells while we sang Jingle Bells and listened to Annie and Marrissa play Sleigh Ride on the piano together.

The night was perfect. We were able to do a little service for a family in need and to bring some holiday cheer to some elderly. Plus be with the family.

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