Wednesday, January 6, 2016

4 Months Old

Fynn has turned 4 months old. What? I hate how fast he is growing up. But I love it at the same time. It's so great to watch him develop.  His smiles are to die for. They just make me so happy every time those eyes light up and that big smile spreads across his face.
He's such a big dude. Not only is he in size 3 diapers already, but he's wearing 6 month clothes. Some of them are 6-9 month. The striped onsie he's wearing in this picture is a 6-9 month size. I bought it for him for Christmas thinking that size would give him time to grow into it. Um nope. Thankfully I had tried it on him to see how it fit and he already fills it out. 
 This little blanket we call his "softy" and he just LOVES it. When he is ready for nap/bed time he likes to bury his nose in it and he falls asleep. This picture of him I thought was so cute. I was getting ready for work and had him lying on the ground by the bathroom under this canopy toy my mom gave him. He was acting fussy so I gave him his binky and the softie and he was so content. Especially since he was holding onto a toy in one hand and the softy in the other. So cute.
 I feel like Fynn has been sick so often since he has been born. It seems like he gets sick like once a month. What's the deal? 2 of them congestion, 1 was the flu and this past week he's congested and coughing. Makes me so sad for him. The other morning I had fed him and laid him in my bed and he totally just fell asleep like this. I thought it was so tender. Especially since he usually needs to be swaddled before he'll fall asleep. He must have been so tired. I couldn't stop staring at his sweet little sleepy face. Oh I just love him.
 He's developed the "put every thing in my mouth" stage. Especially his hands. He's always munching on his little hands.
 He really is the HAPPIEST baby. Not very often do I have to wonder what is wrong with him. He's just the greatest. So chill.
 Tummy Time doesn't happen as much as it should. We are just constantly busy. But when he does get it, he doesn't seem to mind. Most babies hate it. But he hasn't shown that he hates it. Unless it's been awhile and his head seems too heavy to hold up.
 Started solids the day after Christmas. He had been sleeping through the night just fine until the middle of December and it was killing me that I was having to feed him in the middle of the night again. So I started to feed him solids before I had seem the pediatrician. But I figured since he was my 3 child I knew what I was doing and he was showing the signs. He was ready. And I was ready.

The first time I just fed it to him before bedtime and he still woke up. Gaaaa. So then I read through my BabyWise Book in the Trouble Shooting Section and discovered he wasn't getting enough calories during the day.

So then I decided to feed it to him at every feeding. The next 2 nights he slept for almost 12 hours. Hooray!

But that's when he got sick, so the 12 hour night stretch was a tease.

Last night I fed him Oatmeal before bedtime and he slept 10 hours last night. I woke up feeling like a whole woman again. Why does motherhood have to come with sleep deprivation? I think that is one of the questions I might be asking the Lord when I see him in the next life.
Fynn has been such a blessing and great addition to our family. He is our little light. We all love him more than words can say.

His growth stats at 4 months are:

Weight: 15lbs 14oz - 70%
Length: 26.2in - 89%
Head Circ: 17.1in - 81%

He's a big boy. But I wouldn't expect anything less. None of my boys have ever really been "small". Which I think is great.

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