Saturday, December 28, 2019


Aug 1

Just a little update on the house. That summer we (meaning mostly Jesse) were able to get some of the siding up on the addition, the white fence on top of the concrete retaining wall,  the chicken coup built and eventually a retaining wall in the front area of the yard. 
 Just a reminder of where we have been and how far we have come...
 The original house..
 With it's terribly steep driveway.

 Aug 3- 6
I got to go up to Oregon by myself to visit my sister Manda and her brand new babe, Lennon.
 I got to snuggle with that new yummy baby.
 He is quite adorable.
 Most of the time we spent time indoors. Well the first day I got there Aaron's parents were there and so were my parents and Manda ended up being the chauffeurfor everyone. So by they time they left the 2nd day Manda was just pooped. So I made her stay inside and rest.

My last day there we went on a hike. Well more of a Nature Walk.
 Got Lennon all comfy in the pouch and ready for our walk.
 Oregon is just so pretty. And spending time in it's nature with my pretty sister and my new nephew? So much fun.
 Manda and I have been and out for a long time. And while I was up there we were really able to reconnect and truly understand and love each other for who we each are.

 While I was there I enjoyed our late night talks, the laughing until we peed, the cries about life's struggles, and the sweet angelic baby boy I got to snuggle. It was too short to be there!
 Aug 8
12.5 weeks old and Murphy is growing insanely fast!

 July 10
Traded in my road bike for a mountain bike ride with Jesse!
 Aug 11

Our good friends Johnny and Tessa took us to our first ever dog park. We are meshing into the dog world quite gracefully. Murphy has given us so much love and joy and forces us outside more than usual. As we are meshing into the dog world he's meshing into our family so well. 
 We have some funny videos of the boys sliding into the water with Murphy. Oh we were all giggling about it.
 Can you tell Murphy is loved?
Such a cutie!

Aug 15
I get my snuggle time with Murphy and combing his hair!
 Aug 16

Took Murphy on his first hike in the mountains. 2 miles to test it out and he did fantastic.


6th and 3rd Grade Here we Go!

"I wasn't feeling ready for this, but after the tender Priesthood Father's Blessings Jesse bestowed upon our boys last night, it's going to be a great year!

During all 3 priesthood blessings, I took notes for them so they would have something to reference to throughout the school year. They all were reminded how much God loves them and how they can be a force for good. Like the Apostle Paul wrote to the Romans to 'overcome evil with good', these boys have the ability to do that very thing.

When they were done I found myself asking for a blessing from Jesse.

As soon as he put his hands on my head and he started to utter 'with the power of the Melchizedek priesthood...' I felt a wave come over me and he continued on with one of the most powerful blessings I've ever had. The tears were flowing like crazy down my face as he told me things that genuinely felt like my Father in Heaven were saying them. Telling me that I am ENOUGH and that I am the ELECT of the ELECT. Honestly as I'm typing this I'm bawling. It was even a bonding moment with Jesse. Feeling him tap into that priesthood power to bestow upon me the words that Father wanted me to hear was incredible.

When I woke up this morning and followed our morning routine for school and we all sat around the table reading our scriptures, my heart felt happy!

I was reminded once again that God is good!"

That afternoon even though school was back in we still acted like it was a summer evening. We stayed out past dark at the Hogle Zoo with a slew full of cousins.
 My sister, Manda was in town visiting for a moment. So at the last minute we randomly made getting together actually happen. Oddly enough none of our spouses were available to go. So the 4 of us with 9 cousins crazily spent the evening at the Zoo. Quite Stressful and Pleasant!

 They got to feed the giraffes. That was pretty neat!
 He was so happy to be riding on the tiger.

Aug 23

I found Fynn locked inside Murphy's kennel together.
 Aug 24
FOOTBALL season started! This year there ended up being 2 teams made at Ryker's age group. He found out that he was on the B -Team. And was quite devastated initially. But we talked it out and told him it'll teach him alot being a big fish in a smaller pond.

 The team was way smaller too so he would get to play both Offense and Defense!
 Aug 26

12 weeks old! Still getting acquainted with the mountains.
 The fun thing with Come Follow Me is that we can invite friends and family over for a family night lesson and we are all studying the same thing every week. This night we invited our tenants over for a lesson together.
Fynn loves wearing his firefighter costume around. This particular day he combined it with his construction dress up as well. Fynn you are never a dull moment. 

 Aug 27

It  is pretty much is a daily thing that he wears the dress ups. Why do I bother buying him a wardrobe? Haha
 Totally normal walking your puppy with your firefighter pants only. Totally normal!
 Aug 31

Jesse got things all finalized in the chicken coup.

 Filling the water up now is going to be a piece of cake.
 Thanks to Pinterest for this idea on the feeder.
 They've grown up into big girls.
 And we have one rooster that we got rid of as soon as we found him crowing. Some Chinese lady came and picked him up to grow her flock. So he'll live a happy life.

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