Thursday, December 27, 2018


Oct 1
Jesse worked hard all day just with every last effort to get the roof dried-in. 
Eventually Dave and Mike showed up to help finalize the dry-in paper.

And they literally finished right as the sun was setting and the clouds started to roll in.

Oct 6-
Game Day Attire required Every Saturday.

It's fun to support our little Wildcat

It's conference weekend and in between Cy's soccer game and Ryker's football game we listened to part of the Saturday morning session. We learned there would be a big announcement. And sure enough starting in Jan we are going to a 2 hour block at church. Come Follow Me program for individuals and families will come out and we will now be considered a Home Centered-Church supported Church. In the past we have been a Church Centered-Home supported Church. And they want to change that starting in the new year. Puts more on the home to teach your kids the gospel. I think it's going to be a great way to unify and strengthen our family. 

That night was the first Annual Women's Broadcast. From now on the Priesthood Session Saturday night in  April Conference and then the Women's Session will be Saturday night in October Conference. 

I went with Heidi and Emily to Heidi's stake center. Jesse stayed home to work on the house and my boys stayed with Grandpa Mike and Andrew while the girls went to the session. I like going to the chapel instead of watching it on TV. It sets the tone for me being in the chapel, dressed up and away from my kids.

There were moments that really touched me. Especially when President Eyring and President Nelson spoke. I was very weapy went I left there. They really stressed the importance of women in the church and how awesome we are. lol. 

President Nelson talked about how he issued the Gathering of Israel to the Youth back in June and how that can't be done with out the women of the church. So he gave us 4 challenges as well just like he did the Youth. This is what he said.....

First, I invite you to participate in a 10-day fast from social media and from any other media that bring negative and impure thoughts to your mind. Pray to know which influences to remove during your fast. The effect of your 10-day fast may surprise you. What do you notice after taking a break from perspectives of the world that have been wounding your spirit? Is there a change in where you now want to spend your time and energy? Have any of your priorities shifted—even just a little? I urge you to record and follow through with each impression.

Second, I invite you to read the Book of Mormon between now and the end of the year. As impossible as that may seem with all you are trying to manage in your life, if you will accept this invitation with full purpose of heart, the Lord will help you find a way to achieve it. And, as you prayerfully study, I promise that the heavens will open for you. The Lord will bless you with increased inspiration and revelation.
As you read, I would encourage you to mark each verse that speaks of or refers to the Savior. Then, be intentional about talking of Christ, rejoicing in Christ, and preaching of Christ with your families and friends.2 You and they will be drawn closer to the Savior through this process. And changes, even miracles, will begin to happen.
This morning the announcement was made regarding the new Sunday schedule and home-centered, Church-supported curriculum. You, my dear sisters, are a key to the success of this new, balanced, and coordinated gospel-teaching effort. Please teach those whom you love what you are learning from the scriptures. Teach them how to turn to the Savior for His healing and cleansing power when they sin. And teach them how to draw upon His strengthening power every day of their lives.
Third, establish a pattern of regular temple attendance. This may require a little more sacrifice in your life. More regular time in the temple will allow the Lord to teach you how to draw upon His priesthood power with which you have been endowed in His temple. For those of you who don’t live near a temple, I invite you to study prayerfully about temples in the scriptures and in the words of living prophets. Seek to know more, to understand more, to feel more about temples than you ever have before.
In our worldwide youth devotional last June, I spoke about a young man whose life changed when his parents exchanged his smartphone for a flip phone. This young man’s mother is a fearless woman of faith. She saw her son drifting toward choices that could prevent him from serving a mission. She took her pleadings to the temple to know how best to help her son. Then she followed through with every impression.
She said: “I felt the Spirit guiding me to check my son’s phone at specific times to catch specific things. I don’t know how to navigate these smartphones, but the Spirit guided me through all the social media that I don’t even use! I know the Spirit helps parents who are seeking guidance to protect their children. [At first] my son was furious with me. … But after only three days, he thanked me! He could feel the difference.”
Her son’s behavior and attitudes changed dramatically. He became more helpful at home, smiled more, and was more attentive at church. He loved serving for a time in a temple baptistry and preparing for his mission.
My fourth invitation, for you who are of age, is to participate fully in Relief Society. I urge you to study the current Relief Society purpose statement. It is inspiring. It may guide you in developing your own purpose statement for your own life. I also entreat you to savor the truths in the Relief Society declaration published almost 20 years ago.3 A framed copy of this declaration hangs on the wall in the office of the First Presidency. I am thrilled everytime I read it. It describes who you are and who the Lord needs you to be at this precise time as you do your part to help gather scattered Israel.
My dear sisters, we need you! We “need your strength, your conversion, your conviction, your ability to lead, your wisdom, and your voices.”4 We simply cannot gather Israel without you.
I love you and thank you and now bless you with the ability to leave the world behind as you assist in this crucial and urgent work. Together we can do all that our Heavenly Father needs us to do to prepare the world for the Second Coming of His Beloved Son."
I got back to the Smith house to pick up my boys. Then I drove them home and decided that it would be a good time to tell the boys what the Prophet has asked of me. I used it as an opportunity to teach them by example that I am willing to take on the challenges that the Prophet has asked us. Ryker was in awe and was willing to support me. 
When I got home and told Jesse about it I couldn't stop crying. He actually found me in my closet bawling. I was so touched by the spirit and I couldn't shake it. But as I was telling Jesse it didn't give my feeling any justice. But I do remember when I told Jesse that I was asked to read the BofM by the end of the year he said "Wow, that's going to be really challenging for someone as busy as you." 
I replied "I have the faith that Heavenly Father will bless me to find the time."
That night in my prayers I asked Heavenly Father to help me find the time to read and that I would have the desire to read. 
Oct 7 
Sunday General Conference.
I woke up early this Sabbath day to read in the Book of Mormon. I figured out that if I read 6 pages every day that I could be done with it by the end of the year. That morning I read way more than 6 pages. I was feeling totally sucked in already. Marking every time Christ was mentioned or speaking was marked in green. 

I made german pancakes for the boys. Their fave.

Then they we listened to our church leaders while playing Conference Bingo.

Oct 10
Jesse had to rent an excavator again so he could prep the dirt where the retaining wall would go for the stairs. This needed to be done before the drive way could be poured.
Just a silly boy with a bunch of grapes in his mouth.
 Oct 12 Retaining wall started

Oct 13-
By this point Ryker's team was getting into their groove. They had improved so much over the season and were really started to look like a team. This particular win they played against boys that did not look 10 years old. I swear they were 15. But they still kicked butt.
We did haircuts after the game and because Ryker was feeling pumped up from his win that he asked me to put a WX in his haircut.
I was impressed that I was able to make it look decent. lol

Oct 16-
Retaining wall progress

 Oct 20- Last Season Game

That last game of the season ended in a huge win (26-0)... which put them in the playoffs for the following week.

When this season was about to start I had to figure out my work schedule to be able to take every Saturday off. I had to work late nights during the week, but it was worth it. I know I will look back on these years and feel grateful I spent the time with my boys instead of working on Saturdays. They are the world to me! I love their sports because they love it!
 Oct 23-
Jesse rented a skid-steer (or as Fynn calls it...Kid-Deer) so he could flatten out the driveway and the gravel that we delivered. Fynn cannot resist being in the cock-pit the entire time Jesse is working it. I love having him in there with Jesse because then I know that Fynn is safe. No accidentally running him over.
 Oct 26- Jesse's Birthday
No matter what I say wont ever give the justice this man deserves! I love you Jesse.
Our boys love you.

And our family is made better because of you and your awesome-ness!
Not really what he planned, just how things worked out... But the driveway pour started on his birthday.
Jesse hired the same guys that poured our flat work in the garage. Helaman and his dad Hector.

I did get to steal him away to take him to a couples massage.
So when we got back they were smoothing out the front half of the driveway. There was a little bit of drama because the shingle delivery was suppose to come and they wouldn't do it until they were done with the concrete. But once they were done they put the shingles on the roof for Jesse.
Then we had to rush to go to the Ward Trunk or Treat. Since the YM/YW were in charge of this event we both needed to be there. We went as Aladdin, the Magic Carpet, Genie, Rajah and Jasmine.

Oct 27- Harm's Birthday and Tournament Game

I recorded on this day.... "Happy 46th Birthday to my hear friend Harmoni. I bawled after I dropped balloon at her grave this morning. It's just painful at times how much I miss her."

"I remember a year ago today when I went to visit her for her birthday. She was too sick to go out and do something with me, so I sat and talked with her. When it came time to leave she apologized for not being able to do anything fun and she promised me that 'next year' we would do something fun. Here we are a year later and I sure hope she had the best and biggest party in heaven! Love you forever and ever. Happy Birthday Harm."
Tournament Time..... Against Bountiful. It was clear out in Grantsville too. The game was SO CLOSE and so INTENSE. They almost had them. We lost. And these boys were bawling as the coaches were giving them a pep talk at the end. Even the coaches were teary. It was a tender moment.

Some of my favorite pictures of Ryker from the season...

It was such a fun season and I know it wont be our last. Go WILDCATS!!!

Oct 28
The Sunday after Jesse's birthday my side of the family celebrated his birth. Pumpkin Pie is always his favorite.

Traditionally my family likes to carve pumpkins together around Halloween Time.

I didn't carve my own pumpkin, I helped Fynn finish his.
Walaa, So pretty.
 Oct 31 -Halloween
The boy's had their Halloween Parade that morning. My parents and Heidi joined me to see the boys.
I thought Cy's Genie costume turned out way cute.  He loved wearing the blue body suit. When I came back at the last hour of school to help with Halloween Class games Cy was missing from his class. I found him in the bathroom. The poor thing was in there bawling because he had to pee so bad but couldn't unzip himself out of the bodysuit. He had held it so long that he no longer could. He was wet all the way down to his Genie shoes. He didn't want to come out because he was so embarrassed. Oh those big brown eyes looking up at me filled with tears just about broke my heart. I reassured him it was going to be ok and that I would walk out standing behind him and put paper towels on his chair so his seat wouldn't get wet. We both went back to his classroom and played the games.

I put his costume in the wash as soon as we got home so he'd be all clean for trick or treating that night.
My side of the family all got together that night.
Coincidental we all did Disney themed families so my parents dressed up a Minnie and Mickey to fit the group. It was the first time my dad has ever dressed up.

Chan's family were Little Mermaid, Tyson's girls were a lion and koala (they said it was from the Disney safari ride).

We went through my parents neighborhood and it was awesome.
That's one bonus of those new neighborhood developments... all the houses are close together and flat terrain. We went down to the end of the street and back and we got A TON of candy.

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