Thursday, December 27, 2018


Nov 3- 
That's an official wrap up of Cy's Soccer Season. He had so much fun playing. Every game and every practice was the highlight of his day. I would often hear him say "Yes!" when looking at the schedule for each week. If a practice got canceled he was very bummed.
I am happy to see him loving his own sport and being his own individual self. Love you CYRUS!!!

 Nov 5-
Starting on the shingles.
 Nov 6-
 Almost winter ready. Driveway is poured. Tyvek paper wrapped. Windows in. Shingles started. Bring on the snow. AND LOOK AT THAT FLAT DRIVEWAY!!!! Wahoo.

 Nov 8- WX Football Dinner Party
To wrap up the season and give each player a little moment of honor they held a dinner party at our local pizza cafe. The head coach always raved about Ryker's great attitude and his ability to be a sponge. He was coach-able and all the coaches loved that about him.
Ryker's Best Friends Marcus and Eli

 Nov 10- Veterans 5K
The annual Veterens 5K held by the boy's school was a great way to get out and support our Veterens.

The 5th graders were in charge of this production and Ryker was asked to conduct the moment of silence... and raise the flag prior to the start of the race. He carried out his duty with such confidence and poise...
even though he forgot to secure the flag at the top of the pole and it fell down. teehee.
Ryker and I ran it, Cy rode his bike and Fynn watched from the sidelines with our friend (and Ryker's teacher Katie Sano). The 3 of us each took 1st place in our age division and he boys were quite thrilled about that.
I ended up running along with an actual veteren who served in Iraq. We talked the last 2 miles about his service, his post service years after 2010 and his family. I felt grateful for him and what he did for our country. God Bless him and God Bless this Promised Land!

I love these boys OH SO MUCH! They make me proud and very happy!

Jesse would have been there to run with us too but he was at SLCFD taking their written test. He found out a few weeks before this that SLCFD was doing another Lateral Transfer for paramedics. When he told me about it he asked me if he should go for it. I told him "Yes! If it's meant to be... it will work out." 

At the test there were 27 medics that took the test. After this step they told them they would let them know who continues onto the next step. At that time they didn't know. They were going to see how everyone did on the test. All that Jesse knew was they were looking to hire a final of 8 medics. So he stood a good chance. Even though he kept telling me all of the other 6 guys from Ogden that applied had great resumes. So he just didn't know. I told him again. If it's God's Will this will all work out ok. The waiting process was going to be painful. 

 Nov 12
Just Fynn being silly, independent and messy as always.
How can I be mad at that cute bum spreading his artistic ability on my shower wall?

 Nov 14- Christmas in a Shoe-Box

A lady at the gym I go to has these Christmas Boxes every year that you can fill for a child internationally. I decided to bring home 2 of them. One for each Ryker and Cy. On a family night we all went to Target and the boys got to pick out items that a boy their ages would like for Christmas. They had the funnest time thinking about someone else. I was really impressed with their excitement and thinking of things to put in it. Ryker suggested putting a Book of Mormon in there and writing their testimonies on the inside. I had to take a picture of what they wrote before they packed them away in the boxes.
 Ryker wrote:
"I know this book is in the right hands. I am very happy that I could have the chance to serve. I know God loves each and everyone of us! God loves you and care for you and is watching over you. I believe Christ lives. We each are all deeply loved in his heart. Especially you! This is from North America. More to the West. I'm from Utah. My name is Ryker Smith. I love football. I love green and red. This book is a sacred book treat it so well. I love this book and have one of my own. It testifies about YOUR and my Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ.  I know we are all going back to heaven and I will see you there."
Cyrus wrote:
"Merry Christmas. I hope you like your presents. I believe in Christ and I read the scriptures. I like that we celebrate Jesus's birthday on Christmas. I love the Book of Mormon because it teaches us about Christ and my favorite story is the 3rd Nephi I get to read about Jesus visiting the Nephites after he was resurrected." 

These are so precious to me. I love reading their simple yet powerful testimonies about Christ. They love him. 

Nov 22- Thanksgiving Day

It was kinda weird this year. Because Jesse was on duty. My side of the family wasn't getting together until Sunday. The Smith family wasn't getting together at all because they were all staying a week together in Bear Lake over Christmas. So I was left with not much to do. I really wanted to take the boys to a soup kitchen or homeless shelter  to serve Thanksgiving dinner, but everyone else in the world had that same idea 3 months ago. They were all booked.

So we did a little service in our own home and cleaned out the toy room. It had really gone to white-trash-ville with everything going on in our world. House remodel, working extra hours, football and soccer season,  and time consuming callings.  It was time for a major purging. We threw away anything that was broken or had missing parts. 8 garbage bags later and it was all clean. So much better.

Before all of that I went to the gym for the annual Thanksgiving workout. It was just fun to be with my friends that I don't see very much anymore (now that I go at 5:45am).
Around 3 pm Manda and her family stopped by to say Hi. They were here for the weekend of Thanksgiving. The cousins are always so happy to see each other. Once they left we hurried and got ready and drove up to the fire station to visit Jesse.
Do you like his mustache he's been growing for No-Shave November? He's been given alot of funny remarks about it. Just between you and I... he likes to use my mascara to fill it in a little more than is there. lol I tell him not to sweat too much because it's not waterproof mascara. haha
I bought movie tickets to the Megaplex just a few blocks away from the station. So we stayed until it was time to go. The new Wreck-it Ralph movie was out and they really wanted to see it. Bummed Jesse couldn't join us.

Nov 23- Black Friday/Sub for Santa Shopping

This year for Christmas my siblings and I decided that we would rather take the money that we would be spending on each other for Christmas and pool it together and do a Sub-For-Santa for family in need. Chantel did so great at finding a family with 4 kids so each of us got to shop for one of the kids.
All of the siblings got together on Black Friday afternoon and went shopping. It was so much fun. We got everything done in a matter of a few hours and stayed within our budgets. 

 Nov 26- Thanksgiving with my family...

We all got together on Sunday to feast. I totally forgot that I was suppose to bring the broccoli. But I did bring some bomb mashed potatoes. Once we finished feasting we all went downstairs to wrap all of our gifts for the Sub for Santa Family. We had Christmas music playing and I was loving the feel of being with my sisters.
 Nov 29-
I shared this on my Instagram the day I finished because I felt I needed to testify of this Amazing book.

"I finished the Book of Mormon this morning! Almost a whole month early. I don't share this to boast in my own strength, I share it to boast of my God. I echo Ammon of old saying "I do not boast in my own strength nor in my own wisdom...I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things"(Alma 26:11-12).
7 1/2 weeks ago when our beloved prophet issued the challenge to read to Book of Mormon by the end of the year I knew that I had to do it. But how was I going to find the time in my busy life to make that happen? I'd never read the Book of Mormon that fast. Even when I shared with my husband what had been asked, he said 'Wow, that's going to be really tough for someone as busy as you.'
My reply was 'I have the faith that Heavenly Father will bless  me to find the time.'
The next morning I got up early and read for and hour and over the next 7 1/2 week I found myself reading it wherever I could. Any spare moment I had I was reading. In the morning before work, on my lunch break at work, waiting for my boys to come out of wrestling practice, in the temple, in bed after my boys were asleep, or when my boys were playing. God truly blessed me with a STRONG desire to read. I had a hard time putting it down. I was hooked. The stories came alive and the messages were palpable. I also loved marking every time Jesus Christ was mentioned or speaking. He's throughout the entire book. It truly is another testament of Jesus Christ!"
 Nov 30-
So we went from Superman everyday to Tiger costume everyday. And this particular day he just randomly got the paint out of the drawer and started to paint. He only spilled the one time and he quickly got a paper towel to clean it up. I was so fascinated watching him work with such diligence.

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