Tuesday, November 6, 2018


May 3
"I came across a picture yesterday of Fynn 2 years ago and he and squishy cheeks, chunky legs and big eyes. It made me kinda want to cry. When did he turn into this toddler full of personality? How has it been 2 years? He's my last one so I find myself aching with every phase he passes. It almost gives me anxiety that he's growing up. I never understood when moms would say "they'll always be my baby", until now. He'll always be my baby!"

 May 4
I am not kidding you this is what happened EVERY SINGLE DAY. They dug in the dirt for as long as they could. Fynn did it all day and then when the older boys got home from school they were joining in on the fun.

 May 7
Fynn had his own set of Tonka Trucks that he was playing with all the time.

 May 7- Happy 13th Anniversary
With the huge home renovations going on our anniversary date night was low key that night. I was given a rain check for an overnight stay when Jesse wouldn't be so overwhelmed with all the details of the house. We went to dinner and the latest Marvel movie (which has become an anniversary tradition since 2011). Jesse almost couldn't enjoy the movie because he coudln't get his mind off the foundation forms. Poor thing.

We are blessed to have each other. We genuinely love and promise to love the other... Forever!
 May 8-
Like I mentioned earlier, Fynn went outside everyday to play in the dirt. This particular morning he woke up and grabbed his boots and headed out the door without breakfast. Every day he was waking up to his dream. I mean that literally too. There was one night that Jesse was on duty and Fynn found his way into my bed. I let him sleep on Jesse's side of the bed. And as I was falling back asleep I hear Fynn utter in his sleep "I play dirt".

He was living his dreams everyday playing in the dirt. And all he needs is a pair of boots and undies.

May 13- Mother's Day
"I learned today that if you ask your boys the night before mother's day to be super good for you be getting ready for church, being happy and take a picture together in our church clothes....doesn't work....and backfires. We were all in tears before church even started. But after church they made it up to me. The evening with them and my family was delightful. The guys cooked for all the women to give us a night off.
Sure motherhood isn't always peaches and cream. It certainly has the unwanted low. But, it's those moments that we learn and grow from. These 3 boys are my life, my everything, and my reason to get up every day. They are what makes me... ME! I love being a MOM!"

May 18-
This was a special experience that I'm glad I wrote it down so I could document my true emotions on here. 
"WE DID IT!!! This morning we finished the Book of Mormon. It took us 2 school years to do it, but we did it. We only had 2 chapters left this morning and as we were reading the spirit that was present was so tender, so powerful, SO REAL! The tears came and didn't stop. The boys could feel it too and the tears flowed down their faces as well. The power in that book is REAL! We know it's true! We even took on Moroni's challenge in Moroni 10:4 to '...ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.' Ryker offered this prayer and my heart felt as if it were going to burst. It was so filled with love. Love for my 3 boys. Love for God. Love for the testimony and knowledge we gained from the Book of Mormon. And love from the Holy Ghost testifying to our hearts of this truth!
In that moment, all of the rough mornings was WORTH IT!"
 May 19-
Cy finished up his season! He's gradually growing in his football ability. Even thought he's only 7...(and often stands around) he loves the game and he's very happy when he pulls a flag!

 May 20-
My neighbor actually took this picture and text it to me. She told me "I'm sure right now everything in your life feels totally crazy, but I know when I was remodeling our house I look back on pictures like this with fondness."
She's right, I do love seeing the mess the my boys amidst the dirt worKing/playing really hard.
 May 23- Concrete Day!
This was one of the coolest moments in the project. Pulling up to the house seeing the concrete trucks and the huge pump parked in front of our house was EXCITING!!! I've never been this close to this kind of equipment before and to see them in action.... until that day.

The man in the bright yellow shirt was the operator of the pump. He had a remote control pack on his front. He maneuvered the arm of the pump around the foundation forms. My dad was there to help and Jesse used the vibrator to help the concrete settle and not have huge bubbles.

I know Jesse was really worried about this day. He didn't want to have any blowouts. I remember the pumper guy telling Jesse that he did a better job putting the foundation forms together than some of the professionals. That made him feel pretty good. There was one little blowout on the retaining wall area, but because of that wall being a problem it was hard to get in and secure the bottom. But the blowout was contained quickly and was no big deal.

We had other neighbors over there helping us finalize things. And several kids playing on the front dirt hill. It was a neighborhood event.

I helped with the smoothing process out on the top of the wall. This was a Wednesday and I was suppose to work, but things fell through and I only had to work a little bit. I helped Jesse in the morning to get everything secured. I left for a little bit then came back to see it wrap up the day.
Our neighbor Jeff Noall is also working on his house and has a little retaining wall that he was putting in. He often would stop by to help Jesse put the forms together. On this day when we were pouring the Noall's were actually piggy backing on the pump cost and we ordered concrete for both us and them. As we were nearing the end we were running low on concrete and there wasn't going to be enough for Jeff. Jesse missed some calculations somewhere and ordered his portion of concrete too small. But the silver lining in this was that Jeff had his order in the mix and we were able to just use his. Jeff had to pour another day, but if it hadn't had been for him we would have half poured the foundation. It weakens it quite a bit if this happens. So thank goodness that didn't happen. 

"I can't help but brag about this husband of mine. Thing is, I don't even know where to start. I have always known he's pretty incredible. But lately he's exceeded beyond the point of me even fully comprehending his talents and abilities. I had the opportunity to work by his side today and I LOVED it. He's so patient with me as I ask him a bunch of questions and teaching me how to do certain things. He's so knowledgeable about EVERYTHING! He's a problem solver. A fast learner. A teacher (to himself and to others). Calm under the pressure. Strong and hardworking. Rugged. Even covered in dirt/concrete he's handsome! He's quite the MAN! And I kinda like him!"

 May 24- Spring Flag Football officially wrapped up

Ryker's team (The Panthers) played a tough game against the Broncos. Both teams were undefeated... and we came in second. They had an incredible season and I personally have enjoyed watching his passion in this sport. I see so much of my own drive and competitive nature in him so I can relate to him when he's putting pressure on himself to play well. Throughout the season the refs selected 2 players every game that showed good athleticism and sportsman like conduct. Ryker was picked every game and because of that he was selected to play in the ALL-STAR game that night after the championship game.

He's a good kid on and off the field!

Also that day we had several friends, family and neighbors come by to help Jesse take the forms off. They were there until 11:45pm.
11 hrs of working.....
....11 hrs before that.
 May 25- Memorial Weekend Boating

The Seaman's spontaneously invited us to go boating with them. And because Jesse was at a moment for the first time in a month and a half where he could actually go play for a min... we accepted the invite.

It was good to see him relaxing a little bit and enjoying himself.
 May 28- Memorial Day

I have never really had someone to put flowers on their grave.,, until now.  I get choked up every time I go visit her.
Everyday I think about her. Everyday I ache to have a conversation with her. Everyday I wonder how she's doing? What she's doing? Every time I'm feeling sad I want to hear her laugh and tell me everything will be ok. Everytime something makes me laugh I want to share it with her. And everyday I think of how much I LOVE HER!!!
Happy Memorial Day!
 May 31
All day, every day this boy is in the dirt digging with his "EXCA-BATORS", "DUMP-DUMPS" and "KID-DEARS".

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