Friday, March 27, 2020

Best Grandma Ever

I don't normally post something everyday, but the way things have been going lately it feels like I need to talk about what is going on every day.

I got a text from Heidi today...

"Missing you guys and my grandbabies! I have an idea. When it's bedtime and your exhausted from taking care of my grandchildren, I would love to do zoom or Facebook messaging and read them a bedtime story. I'm available every night. So plan time for that to happen and maybe you'll have a few minutes of quiet time. Just text me when you're ready. I'll start choosing books so I can be ready."

So after I got home from work today I was feeling totally pooped and didn't want to cook dinner. We went to Chik fil a. Every restaurant is closed for dining. Some are doing curbside pickup, but those with drive thru windows are still doing well.

When we got home we got onto zoom and the boys got a bedtime story from grandma while they ate their dinner.

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