Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Cy & Fynn's Check-up

Since Fynn and Cy share each others half birthdays it's worked out this year and last, that we went to there check-ups at the same time. That wont be the case next year. I think once Fynn turns 2 he will be going once a year. Which is so weird that we are even close to that point. Wasn't he just born last month? Ugh. He's growing up far too quickly.

While we were in the doctors waiting room, I got a kick out of Fynn walking over to the chair, climbing up and sitting there like such a big boy.  
We finally get called back and they took Cy's vitals first.  Then the Assistant Nurse took care of Fynn's. Fynn wasn't too happy to have him check he out. But I finally got him to realize she was nice. Stranger Danger?
Dr. Sabey eventually came in and was relieved when he did because Fynn was ping-ponging all over the room. He really cant sit still unless he's strapped in somewhere.

Dr Sabey said they both are healthy and look great! Cy didn't have to get any shots, and Fynn only had to get one. Now Fynn is done until his Kindergarten shots! Hooray for that!

On the way home I rolled the windows down because it was such a warm spring day and Fynn was giggling with the wind in his face. I snapped this picture of him with the selfie camera. That grin kills me. He's so cute!

Cyrus' Stats:
BMI: 16.1
Height: 3' 10" (61%)
Weight: 48lbs 12oz (67%)

Fynnick's Stats:
Head Circ: 19.4in (92%)
Height: 32in (31%)
Weight: 27lbs 12oz (89%)

I didn't realize he was that short. No wonder he has the most yummy chunky legs because he's one solid kid. I hope he didn't get my short genes. If so I'm sorry little man.

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