Saturday, December 3, 2016

15 Months Old

Our little nugget reached the 15 month mark. He's grown up so much in the past 3 months. He's walking now which makes him seem older. He's finally got his top 4 teeth in (that were coming in all at the same time). And his personality is just still infectious as ever.  We sure do LOVE our little Fynnick. He has brought our family so much joy and love the past 15 months. We really have been so blessed to have him in our family. It certainly wouldn't be the same without him. 
I love how he just loves on his Daddy. He loves mom too, but I'm the one always taking the pictures. Haha. The best is when he gives us kisses.
I got a kick out of this... Instead of playing with the tracks he preferred to just climb in the container.
This is a picture that Jesse had taken and I can't stop laughing about it. He has Cy's swimming suit on his head (which he put on himself) while helping daddy mop the floor.

And another one. He's into putting random clothing items over his head. This time he had gotten into my swimsuit drawer and put a pair of bottoms over his head and wore it like a scarf.

Much like his older brothers he loves German Pancakes.

Things about Fynn at this stage:
-Signs "more" and "please". Especially "please".
-Seems to communicate with this squeaky but cute noise that reminds us all of the Mario Game when he jumps.
-Still loves his binki and little grey blanket
-Good eater (when he is hungry)
-Still super happy and easy going (not very often he gets upset, but as he is getting older he's starting to get sassy if he doesn't get his way)
-Sleeps 10-12 hours every night
-Still takes 2 naps a day
-Likes the new forward facing carseat
-Loves Applesauce pouches and clementines
-Really good a dancing-when he hears a song he feels it and shakes everything.
-Says mommy and daddy very clearly, but I don't think he means mommy when he says mommy. It's almost like his way of says he wants something. He does point and say "dat".
-Gets into the toilet all to often. We have to make sure the doors are shut because he'll go into the bathroom and play in the toilet water. Ick.
-Always smiles. Which he's starting to look at the camera and give a silly grin.
-Very active and very busy. This kid doesn't sit still anymore. And we can't turn our heads for a few seconds without him getting into something he shouldn't (Like the diswasher pods, or the pantry to dumb something out...etc).

Doctor Stats:
Weight: 24.8lbs (54%)
Length: 31in (47%)
Head Circ: 19.3in (93%)

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