Monday, March 4, 2013

This Kid is TWO!!!

UNREAL!!! Where have the past two years gone? My little 8lb 4oz baby has turned into a toddler right before my eyes. Just crazy. I feel like Cyrus is growing up faster than Ryker. Maybe because having two boys makes life super busy, so I'm not realizing that they are growing up. That makes me want to take extra care and pay more attention to the little things they do. It's going to be gone before I know it.
Look at this picture of Cy. I can't even remember what he is like at the beginning. It seems so long ago...but yet it feels like last month.
Yesterday Morning Manda came over to say goodbye before she had to fly home. She was so cute by bringing Cyrus some birthday balloons. He kept staring up at them and saying "Ba-Noon" over and over again. 

 Jesse and I got to chat with Manda for a bit before she left, but I wish she didn't have to. It's just so nice to have her here I have to soak in every moment we can be together.
 After Manda left Jesse laid down to take a short nap. I thought it was sweet that Cy laid with him for a bit. Birthday Boy getting all snuggled up with his daddy.

Jesse had worked a 24 hour shift Saturday and got home Sunday morning. So he was a little tired. He forgot a blanket and a pillow, so that made for a rough night. Luckily he didn't have any calls during the night, but he didn't sleep that great.
 It was Stake Conference for us yesterday and it wasn't until 2pm. So that gave me the chance to put the cake together before we had to go. Cy LOVES turtles, so I thought it would be fitting to make him a Sea Turtle cake.
 It isn't the prettiest thing, but it did the job. I was starting to get frustrated with it towards the end of decorating it, so I didn't do as good as I should have. I just wanted to get it done.
 Around 6pm, family from my side and Jesse's side came over. We were all trying to get Cy to say he's TWO. So this is his atempt at showing two fingers. Thought it was pretty darn cute.
 Then it was time for gifts...
 ...Of Course Ryker couldn't help but join in on the fun. haha. We had to constantly remind him that it was Cy's birthday and to let Cy open his presents. Such a sweet big brother, he just wanted to help (and get in on some of the lime light as well).
 Cy did great opening his own gifts. As I was watching him thinking "he's too little to be opening his own presents", Jesse said those very words out loud. But it's true. He really shouldn't be old enough to be opening presents all on his own. Such a big boy.
 I don't know why, but I thought this was so funny... Grandma Heidi handed Cy the card to the present she was giving him and Cy sat and looked at for a bit. Opening it up is if he was reading it. Then he set it aside. Just thought it was cute.
 Once Cy opened this gift he didn't care to open anymore....
 ...he was so content to pound away at those balls. Everybody else was trying to get his attention to finish the other gifts and he looked at us all as if to say... "Forget the other gifts to open, I'm going to play with my new toy".
 Cake Time.... It may not be the prettiest cake, but when my two year old looks at it and says "turrtle"... I'm a happy camper.
 OK, I should get a reward for catching this picture mid-blow. He got them both out in the first blow. Way to go Dude!
 I gave him the head of the turtle to eat. He started out by poking the frosting with one finger then licking it. Eventually he'd stick four straighted fingers down into the cake and lick it off. I got a funny video of it. We all chuckled at his technique.
 Then after a bit, he wasn't liking all the frosting on his hand. So he was shaking it to get the frosting off. Which was getting everywhere. Haha I think he maybe ate a quarter of it and then was done.
We had a very fun night celebrating this amazing two year old! He is such a joy! I wish I could just share him with everybody. If I ever need my day brightened up all I have to do is watch Cy. His gestures, speech, and cute little body bring a smile to my face.

Love you Little Man! Happy Birthday to the cutest (no joke) two year old!

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