Sunday, November 4, 2012

Trunk or Treating

It's been too long since I have made a post. But it's for a good reason. The past month I have spent every spare minute working on our Halloween Costumes. The past three years Heidi has been so dear to help me out with our costumes. But this year I didn't want to burden her with it for the fourth time. I took on the sewing challenge. I don't have my own sewing machine so my mom let me borrow hers.
I sewed Ryker's cape, hood, underwear, and boots. The grey shirt and pants were found in the little girls section at Target. The symbol on his chest I cut out of felt and glued on. I found his mask on for $3.90 and the spray painted it to match his hood and cape. His belt started out as a woman's belt (found at the DI) that had holes all the way around it, so I could cut it to fit him. Then I wrapped it in yellow duct tape along with crayon boxes. The symbol on the front of the belt was also made from duct tape.

The gloves were the hardest part. I originally started out with white princess gloves that I planned on dying them navy blue with RIT dye. But after dying them 2 times I learned that the material would not grab the dye. So plan B went into action. I found fabric spray paint thinking that would hopefully do the trick. NOPE! They went all spotty and weird. Plan my own gloves from the left over fabric from the cape. After watching a youtube video I had the confidence that they would be easy to make. HA! I was wrong. After several hours I felt all was lost...until Jesse came home from his ride along with the Murray Fire Department. He went on and found these gloves for $7. If only he had come home hours before that I could have saved myself alot of time and energy.

When they arrived in the mail a few days later I found that they were really big, so I turned them inside out and sewed the fingers down shorter and the arm holes skinner. They were still a little baggy, but hey at this point I didn't care.

All in all he looked AWESOME! Oct 30th was our ward's trunk or treat and it was the first time I put the whole outfit together. I admit I got quite giddy about how great it turned out.
Cy's Robin costume was much easier. I sewed his cape with a collar attached and the boots sewn out of felt to cover his shoes. The red vest was a shirt I found at the DI. I turned it inside out, cut the sleeves off, and stitched yellow yarn down the middle and glued his Robin symbol out of felt. His tights were originally white and then dyed tan. His green shirt was a white long sleeved onsie that I had extra and dyed it green. His mask and gloves (that he didn't like to wear) were sewn from felt. The belt had the same concept as Ryker's Batman belt. Cut it down and duct taped it.
 Cat Woman costume was super easy. I bought the leggings at Charlotte Russe and the leather jacket at Target. I made the mask and ears from glittery felt and wrapped an old belt (that Chantel gave to me) in gold duct tape. And WaLaa!
 Jesse's Joker costume was probably the easiest. He had a light blue suit that I bought at the DI two years ago for an 80's themed party for his 30th birthday. I simply put it in the washer 2 times with purple RIT dye and TaDaa! Easy as that. I also bought his green shirt at the DI along with the blue paisley vest (found in the ladies section). I sewed him a pocket square and tie from the left over material from Robin's cape. His hair was sprayed from the hair spray paint and then I painted his face.

He was such a good sport for wearing all that makeup. But doesn't he look just great?
If you haven't noticed we went with the old school style of Batman and Robin. So to go along with our theme we decorated our trunk with all the words that flash on the screen from the fight scene in the movie. My brother Tyson was so Awesome to design them for us. He's so great with all the graphic designing on his computer so it took him no time at all. Where if I were to do it I would have had to start that a month ago.
 See he didn't really like his mask all that much...but it's darn cute on him.
 Ryker got SOOO into being Batman. He made this years Halloween ALOT of fun for us. The whole month of Oct he would say in his prayers that he was so thankful for trick or treating. He made the count down till Halloween just Exciting!

1 comment:

Courtney M. Hutchings said...

Those costumes are so awesome! I'm very impressed. Jesse looks totally creepy... why so serious? :)