Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Homeward Bound

Early Friday Morning the four of us started our journey home. First was the two hour drive from Eugene to Long Beach in our rental car. The boys did great, Ryker watched a movie and Cy just was chill the whole way. He was probably just delierous from us waking him up at 6 in the morning.
We made it to the airport and got on the flight with no problems (flying stand by is always a guessing game). The next flight though... from Long Beach to Salt Lake... wasn't looking so good. My mom had put me on a super pass so that I'd be on for sure, but that made it so Jesse and Ryker wouldn't be able to get on. Unless 15 people miraculosly didn't show up.
Unfortuneatly our predictions came true. I made it on the flight home, but Jesse and Ryker did not.
 Jesse rented a car to get himself around town because they had a half a day and night to kill. Then he called his cousin Sarah and her husband John who live 20 minutes from the Long Beach airport. They were actually on their way to go camping, but they met up with Jesse and gave him their keys to their place so Ryker and Jesse would have some where to sleep. Talk about life savors! They are great people!

Long Beach was unusually hot for this time of year so Jesse decided he didn't want to pass up the oportunity to go play in the ocean. He bought cheap bottoms and towels for him and Ryker so they could go swimming (Keep in mind they didn't have anything because all the luggage was sent with me).

While on my end I was feeling worried that Cy would be super hard to handle all by myself. On the past three flights we had our own row, so that gave him room to wiggle. But on this flight he was confind to my one seat. I was worried he's bother the people next to us. But I think the heavens opened up for a moment beacuse by the time the flight attentants brought us our snacks, Cyrus laid in my arms and fell asleep.

The rest of the flight was jsut peaceful. I didn't care that my arm was falling asleep and it felt like it was going to fall off. He was asleep and I wasn't going to move.

My mom picked Cy and I up at the airprort on arrival. Bless her heart she sent Chantel inside to help me with all my luggage. I already had a handful as it was with just mine and the boys, but I had Jesse's as well. So the extra help was very much apprecited.

It was good to finally get home. Cy was just thrilled as well. Once we arrived the first thing he wanted to do was to go in the back yard. I let the chickens out and Cy just chased them around like he had never done before. Just laughing the whole time.

Jesse and Ryker made it on the flight the next morning. Sing praises! Everyone made it home.

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