Sunday, May 6, 2012


Last week Jesse was able to finish the fence. Which was much needed because Henrietta (that's what we named the hen) kept getting out of the yard. It's rather embarrassing when the neighbors bring your chicken back not only once, but THREE times (that we know of). So now she can't escape.

 He did a pretty awesome job of putting it all up (but then again he always does a good job on everything he does). It's going to be SOOO nice to have this up.
 The other side of the house we put up a straight fence. We debated back and forth if we should put a gate on that side as well. But to save some money we decided to forgo the gate. I don't think we would use that side for a gate all the much, so it works out great.
 We've had the chicks now for 2 weeks. They have started to grow their adult feathers and become taller so they started to roost (chicken talk for perch) on the edge of the container. I didn't mind at first until they started to jump out of the tub. A few times I found one chirping really loud because it was on the floor of the bathroom. You could tell it was it's cry for help.
 While they roost they like to sleep... Check out the one roosting on the water feeder. It's kinda cute. Seems uncomfortable to me, but they like it.

With roosting comes lots of pooping. So the tub was covered in poop. YUCK!!!
 Today we cleaned everything out and decided to put down some rubber in the tub and let them have more room. That way they couldn't get out easier, and the tub would be protected from the serious poopage.
Look how big they have become.

 I have to remind myself...only TWO MORE WEEKS and they can go out side...this is only temporary. I'm hoping this new arrangement for them will work out better and won't be so messy and easier to clean.

Jesse Update Time:
Last week Jesse received an email from South Jordon with some bad news. He wasn't selected to move onto the Physical testing. He was disappointed, but even more so when he heard from a fellow student that too had applied for South Jordon. This guy passed the Civil service test, but never was asked to interview. But strangely he was asked to come and take the Physical Test! SO UNFAIR!!!

After Jesse told me this I decided they weren't worth it and that he wasn't suppose to be there. It's obviously not where the Lord wants him to be. And besides they seem super unorganized. I wouldn't want to work for that department anyway. So Jesse is better off.

This Wednesday Jesse is testing with Ogden. They have their testing set up differently because Jesse gets to do the Physical test first. So that is a good thing. We all wish him Good Luck this next week and throughout the rest of the month. Salt Lake is also doing their testing this month. That test is next week.

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