Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Quite the Weekend

Saturday May 7th, a few girls from the salon as a team ran the Race for the Cure in honor of Tracy and Emily. Tracy has recently finished Chemo after finding our she had breast cancer in October. She has been a fighter and we are all proud of her. Emily had cancer a few years back. I"m not entirely sure what kind of cancer, but she is a survivor as well.

Once we got downtown we were all amazed by the amount of people there. We heard the announcers say there were 16,000 people registered beforehand, and there were still plenty more registering that morning.

During the race I would see men who had a paper pinned to their shirt that said 'I'm racing for my wife...or my sister...or my Aunt...Daughter'. I couldn't help but get choked up to see them there supporting their loved ones. It was amazing to me to see all these people there supporting the cause. What a fun and great way to raise money. After the race Jesse and I got to celebrate our 6th anniversary together. We were lucky to have his mom come and watch our boys while we went and enjoyed the rest of the day together. We first went to the new movie 'THOR'. It was actually pretty good.

Then for dinner we drove up Weber Canyon to eat at Taggart's Grill. I had been there once with a few girls from the salon and loved it, so I wanted to take Jesse there. It turned out to be a really nice day, so we were able to sit outside for dinner. The restaurant is right inside a little canyon. So we were eating among the trees and mountains. They also have peacocks wondering around. It was a really nice evening to be together. I highly enjoyed it.

Over dinner, Jesse and I were talking about life and where it has taken us so far. We both agree that we are pleased with where we are. We have 2 wonderful boys whom we love and adore, our marriage is growing stronger each day, and we make a great team. It has been a great 6 years. I'm rather blown away that it's been that long because is certainly doesn't feel like it. I can't ever blink or I am going to miss something.

I can confidently say that I LOVE Jesse more today than I did the day that I married him. Didn't think that could be possible, but it happened. I can't imagine what another 6 years will do.

For my anniversary gift and Mother's Day gift Jesse bought me flowers. I have been asking for years to have hanging flower baskets... and whaa-laa. The big pink one is absolutely BEA-U-TI-FUL!!! I have never seen one like it. Oh I just love it! He also bought hooks to go on the house, so I have one on each side of the front window as well.

He also got me two pallets of flowers to plant in my flower bed. As soon as it stops raining (which is has since Sunday), I'll be planting these.

After Sacrament Meeting all the women were given a flower to plant, so I picked a Geranium plant. Well we were hanging out a little bit afterwards because I was paying tithing and needed to hand in some receipts, and apparently they had a bunch of left over flowers so the man in charge gave me and a few other girls a whole pallet of Zinnia's. SWEET! So now I have even MORE flowers to put in my flower bed. Oh its going to look so pretty. Can't wait to get my hands in that dirt and get planting

That night we went to Jesse's parents house for dinner. Mike assigned his boys things to bring for dinner. They cooked so the women wouldn't have to. (Just a side note, Jesse was suppose to bring garlic bread but forgot, so I made bread for him. Haha. What would he do without me?)

What would we do without our Mothers? I am so blessed to have been raised by my mother. She is truly a remarkable woman. I can only hope that I can be a small portion of who she is when I grow up.

I also feel blessed to have a wonderful Mother-in-Law. She is so strong. I can't thank her enough for raising Jesse to be the good man that he is. She gives me strength and hope that my boys will turn out as good as hers have.

I had the opportunity to teach the Mother's Day Lesson on Sunday and it gave me a new found light on Motherhood. A mother's work is God's work! The most important thing a mother can do will happen within the walls of her home. What Mothers do... Matters!


Kels said...

You're awesome Ash! You truly are a wonderful woman!

Kari said...

happy six years!

tHe sMiTh SaGa said...

Thanks Kari!