Sunday, April 3, 2011

1 month and Counting

It's strange to think that a month ago this little man came into our lives. A month ago I had a hard time imagining what it would be like to have him here. And now that he is, I can't imagine to go without him. Cy has been a joy to have around. It's amazing how a newborn that does nothing but sleep, cry and poop can make you so happy. We are looking forward to the cooing and smiling, but for now we are enjoying our sweet bundle of joy. I was curious how Cyrus and Ryker compared to each other at the same age. So I put together this collage and I couldn't believe how much they look alike. Before I put their names on the collage, I showed Jesse and he thought they were both Cyrus. It's almost like we have cookie cutter kids. haha
Ryker just LOVES his little "brovered." He is always telling me "I just love him" or "He's so cuuute!" He knows how to comfort Cy when he is crying. Last week my brother came over to my house to watch the boys while I went to the grocery store. Cyrus was sleeping and Ryker was watching a movie, so I was thinking it would be easy for Tyson to watch them. Well while I was out Cyrus woke up earlier than he was suppose to. While Tyson was having a difficult time consoling Cy, Ryker said 'He needs his binki'. So he gives Cyrus his binki and Cyrus calmed right down. It made me laugh that my 3 year old son had to help my 22 year old brother with a month old baby.
Babies are always so precious when they are sleeping. I look at Cy and he just melts my heart. So far I have taken so many pictures of him sleeping. Granted he is sleeping most of the time, but still it's so sweet.
This last week was my first week back to work. My 4 week leave went by really quick. But thankfully I had a quick recovery and I have been feeling back to normal (Still have the baby weight to shed, but in due time that'll happen). Going back to work has been great. I admit that it is going to be an adjustment getting 2 kids and their things packed up to go to my mom's house. Between the diaper bag, 2 car seats, blankets, my pump, purse and lunch I feel like I'm packing up my whole house. Luckily they are both so worth all the effort.

I feel overly blessed with all the boys in my life. Jesse, Ryker and Cyrus have me wrapped around their fingers. I love them all so much and am so lucky to have them in my life. I am a daughter, granddaughter, sister, friend, leader, or a stylist. But being a Mother and Wife has gotta be the 2 best things I could be.


Betsy said...

Ashley you are crazy to think, you dont look AMAZING after just having a baby! You look so great! Cyrus is so cute! Ryker is so fun!

Kels said...

So sweet! They really do look like "cookie cutter" kids, but when they're that cute who cares right?

Courtney M. Hutchings said...

twins! I love those boys!